My Friends and Family, music, remodeling my house, the outdoors, Michaela, reading, reading, hanging out with friends. Snowmobiling, Sports Cars.
Jena Jameson, JFK, Martin Luther King JR. Osama Bin Laden(So I could put him In a headlock and rip his beard off, then kick his ass, and tie him up and drag him from a rope behind his camel to the gates of hell!)!Other people I'd like to meet and be non violent are: leaders of the modern world, also Van Gohg, Nostradamus, Ferrucio Lamborghini, Enzo Ferrari, Governor Arnold, Al Gore, The Pope,
Metal, Alternative,Rock, Classic Rock, 311, OZZY,Linkin Park, Metallica, Type O negative, Korn, OffSpring, Danzig, Jay-Z, sYSTEM OF A dOWN, Pantera, Deftones, EmptyHead, Doors, So Many to name. I love Music!!!!!
Constantine, Batman Begins, Click, All three Terminator Movies, Super Troopers, Superman Returns, Fight Club, King Kong, Behind Enemy Lines, Wedding Crashers, Seven, An Inconveniant Truth,
I don't have a T.V. , though I do like to go to the movies quite often. If I had a T.V. I probably would watch Documentaries or re-runs. And HBO of course. When I had a T.V. it was Car and Driver, anything to do with History, Discovery channel,
Stephen King's Dark Tower series. It took me about 12 years to read all seven of those books. The Rules of Management, Now, Discover Your Strengths,Pathfinder, Do What You are. I've read quite a few of Stephen King's novels. The Gunslinger. Stephen Kings Magnun Opus. I heard he sold the movie rights to the directors of the hit tv show "Lost" I could be wrong though. If it is true. I can't wait. I wonder who they'll pick to be Roland?