Fenlander is the musical project of Hex, also known as Kosmischeboy, his electronica alter ego. Hex wanted to create a project that sounded like a real band, but was actually still all performed by one person, it was also important that while using technology and loops etc the music still sounded "organic".
The project has been ongoing for a year or so now and Hex has recorded around 15 tracks, most of which have been on the myspace player at some point or other! CD's of all the tracks are available, if you are interested drop Hex a message through myspace.
This year the fenlander live band will hopefully be formed and gigs should be happening towards the end of the year, watch this space and spread the word!
Fenlander have been recording new tracks in a secret Fenland location, three of which are now uploaded in the player.
Let us know what you think of the new tunes!
Look for more Fenlander goodness over the next few months!
A Monument (Colour Version)
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