xXx MeLlY xXx profile picture

xXx MeLlY xXx

I am here for Friends

About Me

Well wat can i a typical 18 year old and a girly girl, love pink lol!! Love going out with my girlies on the weekend and havin a few drinks and a huge laugh!! R nights out dressed up r always fun! Im a health care support worker and i look after people with learning disabilities.. also a student at Lowestoft College, finish in May!! Cant wait!! Hopefully gona go on to do midwifery at uni!! Going away in January 2 Switzaland with Claire...U ROCK! Hopefully gona start drivin after xmas copz im fed up with walking everywhere lol Dont really no what else to say!! XxXxXxXxXxX
a b o u t y o u - g i r l s.
Name:: Melanie
Age:: 18
Birthdate:: 28th March
Birthplace:: Gorleston
Location:: In my living room at the min
Hair Color:: Blonde and brown
Eye Color:: Brown
Weight:: Erm i dont weigh myself lol
Height:: Not short and not tall
Braces?: Nope
Glasses/contacts?: Contacts
Freckles?: Nope
Scars?: 1 on my belly & 1 on my leg
Style:: I like to look smart lol
Food:: Pasta, pizza
Drink:: Bacardi, Ameretto,
Store(s):: Select, New look, Bay
Color(s):: Blue, Pink, Red
Shoe Brand:: Just shoes lol
Clothing Brand(s):: Just clothes
Purse Brand(s):: Just a purse
Coke/Pepsi:: Coke
Bikini/One Peice:: Bikkini
Love/Money:: Love
Resturant/Fast Food:: Fast food
Boy/Girl:: Boy
Pop/Water:: Pop
Dogs/Cats:: Cats...Cookie
Abercrombie/Walmart:: Huh?
Night/Day:: Both
Sun/Rain:: Sun
Have You Ever
Cried in school:: Yeh in little school
Laughed so hard you peed:: No dont think so lol
Seen your best friend naked:: Yup hehe
Taken a shower with someone:: Erm nope
Been drunk:: Stupid question
Smoked:: Yup
Cried on someones shoulder:: Yupp
Let someone cry on your shoulder:: Yehh
Slept in bed with same sex:: Yupp
Used the bathroom in front of a friend:: Yehh
Do You
Smoke: Only when i drink
Do Drugs: Nope
Drink: Yupp
Cry often: Noo
Change in front of your friends: Yeh
Talk about private things with friends: Yehh
In the Opposite Sex
Favorite eye color:: Dont mind
Favorite hair color:: Dark hair
height:: Taller then me but not to tall
weight:: Not to skinny and not to fat lol
drink/smoke:: Drink
drugs:: nooo
tatoos:: Dont mind
peircings:: Dont mind
style:: Not scruffy
The last.
person you hugged:: Pid
person you kissed:: Pid lol
person you talked to:: My mum
time you cried:: Ermm last week
time you laughed:: A little while ago
thing you bought:: Ermm alcohol
person you yelled at:: Ermm not sure
person you said i love you to:: Ermm Pea
person you told you they loved you:: Pea
person you hit:: Lol i duno
thing you drank:: Orange juice
thing you ate:: My dinner
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My Interests

Goin out with my mates, Shopping, Shoes, The OC...Ben Mckenzie!

I'd like to meet:

Would like to meet people who can have a laugh! Would love to meet westlife, Bruce Willis, Mel Gibson!Westlife - Total Eclipse Of The Heart

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WESTLIFE, Shayne Ward, Justin Timberlake, Enrique Iglesias, Leona Lewis, Leanne Rymes, Cascada, Craig David...a bit of everything really lolWestlife


Make Your Movie Wall Flixster .


THE OC...MMM BEN MCKENZIE!! Eastenders, Hollyoaks, Friends, 2 pints, Neighbours, Sugar Rush!...Dont watch to much...only wen im at home!


Dont really read that much but do like the Dave Pelser Books! Books that are based on true stories!

My Blog

My Sign!

        Aries"> />        You are so full ...
Posted by xXx MeLlY xXx on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 07:58:00 PST