Layout by CoolChaser
The best people you can possibly live with.
Matagalpa,Nicaragua,Summer '09
Yee, this is my Myspace profile.First things first, I'm a Senior at Skyline High. Born, raised, and hopefully die in Oakland. Rep my 3200 shit =].I'm a Lacto-Vegetarian. Don't eat meat,fish or chicken(although it may seem like it).I hella love technology, mostly gadgets and computers. Don't ever call me a noob, because I will pwn you in 1.Mario Kart DS
2.Tetris DS
3.Super Smash Bros Brawl
Looking to graduate in 2010 and then go off to either study abroad in a Latin American country or stay in the bay as they say okay? =D I love taking pictures, especially with abstract backgrounds that have meaning to life. Also want to be an activist in animal cruelty,equality for all and immigration rights. Flying solo at the moments, but waiting for that someone. I'll talk to anyone as long as you ain't some fake ass mafakas like hella peoplesl.Some facts you guys might not know -I can solve a rubiks cube on average under two mintues(1:15)
-I love nature
-I live above the influence
-I'm a pacifist, so if I say imma whoop you, I really won't =]
-I believe equality for all
-I still like Pokemon
-I might be geeky and wierd on the outside, but once you get to know the real me, well I hope your view changes XD