One day I am gonig to be as big As I am now but with the respect, admiration, reputation, and notority that has so softly evaded me thes last 21 years But dont worry when Im there your gonna know it and trust me you wont be forgotten I guesss It all goes back to the counting your real friend on one hane and 3 of them dont count so you can only have two but when I think about it I see that all I have it family and you dont fuck with the family cause then things happen And oh yeah here today gone tommorw wht goes around come back around just like what goes up must come down and since I already fell frome the sky the only thing I have to do is rise again Mike you think you know him but reall y you dont know the first thing about me you never gave me the chance to be me I was trying to be what you wanted so now I have to cut the strings and rise from the ashes of the bridges Ive burned lol if your still with me let me get a hell yeah..