I am 23. I love to hang out and haven fun. I spend most of my time at work and hangin out wit my Wonderful and Sexy Fiance Kim :). Shes the Bestest thing that has happend to me sence the XBOX360 came out. I asked Kim to merry me on Christmas morning 2007. Ofcourse she said yes and I was so excited. We havent set a date, we will dont worry. the bestest thing is that we are preparing for the greatest miracle, We are having a baby gurl. Woo-Hoo i cant wait to have a lil gurl. By the way i play halo if u havent notice. I graduated Martin Community College with a degree in Electrical/Electronics Tech. I'm from Colington, which is in Kill Devil Hills N.C. I like fishing, surfing, and just hanging with my friends. I love to play Halo 3 and DDR. I love my X-Box360. If u dont have one you should get one. I'm a (MLP Pro)4 Halo 2. So yeah I guess I'm a NERD. Thats all, Peace.
P.S. Mom, Lars, Libby, Bryce, Margot, Dad, Donna, Stephen, and Kimberly D Robinson (who is my sexy Fiance). I love all of you and thanx for always being there!!! New AIM (BoB BanX)
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