Profile Graphics - ChocolateSisterGraphics.com
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Hosted by HitupMyspace.com
Pride Graphics by HitupMyspace.com
Profile Graphics - MyspaceBarn.com
Profile Graphics - MyspaceBarn.com
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Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...
What's Your Kissing Style?
MY RESULT: Tender Kisser
As soft and sweet as the kiss of a gummi bear.
You generally reserve your kisses for people you really, truly care about. And when the two of you finally lock lips, it's tender, sweet and fit for a greeting card. If your kiss was a photograph, it would be in soft focus. If your kiss was a hot dog, it would be a vegetarian hot dog. Everyone you kiss loves your kisses, because they're better than sweet iced tea on an August afternoon.
Take This Quiz!
Who were you in a past life?
Marilyn Monroe
hot and sexy your always the life of the party.When it starts to get dull you stand on a vent and flash the world.
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic
What Dogs Shows Your Personalty?
You never turn down a fight, YOU ARE A BADASS, you can back everything up that you say, you also have a very short temper.
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic