What is Strictly Street Music
Weed , Liqueur, Hip Hop and Women for a long time have been the sole representatives of our generation. At least that’s what media portrays. As of 2007 there is going to be new some new representation. CEO’s and presidents will be born, movements such as Strictly Street Music will shine their underground light on the state of society and its ills, and also shine on those artists and models who are deserving, that have gone without recognition for much too long. The cops are still harassing, opportunities for minorities are still at a minimal, and many are left to deal with circumstances that are cancerous to survival.Strictly Street Music is here to be a voice. The voice of the streets, the voice of the underdogs and lastly, the voice of the oppressed and the afflicted. This is not about competition or division. This is about getting together our leaders of tomorrow and lifting every voice to be heard amongst the masses. What you stand for and what you represent makes you who you are. If you walk like a warrior and act as a leader would act, this magazine should contain thoughts that are contagious. Hopefully it can spark a flame within you that can never burn out. This is the future, this is the truth, this is necessary, this is STRICTLY STREET MUSIC.