Working out, reading, humanitarian aid (missions trips), outdoors, swimming, yoga, jogging, shopping.
People Envy Your Compassion
You have a kind heart filled with empathy. You tend to absorb others happiness and pain. People envy your compassion, and more importantly, the connections it helps you build. What Do People Envy About You?
You Are Somewhat Mature
You definitely act like an adult sometimes, but a big part of you is still a kid at heart.
While your immature side is definitely fun, you're going to have to grow up sooner or later.
Are You Immature?
Christian Survey
Favorite Book of the Bible Revelation
Favorite Verse Jeremiah 29:11-13
Years Saved Since I was a kid
Favorite character of the Old Testemant Moses
Favorite Christian Band Kutless
What makes you like that Band Powerful lyrics/ rough rugged voice
Favorite Pastor/Teacher Joel Olsteen
Favorite Christian Author Max Lucado
Favorite Christian Book (Excluding Bible) Traveling Light
Area of ministry Children's
Bible translation NIV
Take notes in the bible or on a notebook Notebook
How did you come to the lord? Family & friends led me
Greatest Weakness in the flesh Read my blog
Favorite Christian Movie Passion of the Christ
Biggest mess up surounding witnessing or teaching Shoving it down their throat
Favorite Biblical Name James
Biblical Character most simmilar to you The ones that sin all the time
why? self- explanitory
favorite parable Prodigal son
favorite old testament story Noah & the Ark
corniest christian slogan/bumper sticker All of them are cheesy
person from the bible you would want to meet the most besides Jesus Esther
Best christian joke Man driving looking for parking spot & says "God if you help me I'll never cuss again" Suddenly he finds a spot & he says "Nevermind I found one"
Favortie Christian song I Can Only Imagine by Mercy Me
favorite line Jesus said It's hard to pick just one
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I have such a variety: Beenie Man, Korn, Toby Kieth, Beyonce, Chris Tomlin, Kenny Chesney, Darlene Zschech, Chicken, Kutless, Nelly, I Could Sing of Your Love Forever series, Worship Together series, Kanye West, Metallica, INXS, Keith Urban. I love the rough rugged voices. I hate pretty boy bands and bubble gum teen music!
Your Body Image is: 73% Healthy
You're body image is quite healthy, though you're sometimes a little bit too hard on yourself.
Chances are you've got a rockin' body - so enjoy it!
How's Your Body Image?
I'm a happy person & love happy movies, not really into depressing crying stuff! Comedy & action are the best. Here's a few...Fight Club, Oceans 12, Into the Blue, The Beach, Passion of the Christ, Hitch, Alfie, Mr.Mrs. Smith, Monster-in-law, You got served, Scarface, all The Godfather movies, Mobster, Titanic, XXX, Training Day, The Fast and the Furious, Goonies, Dirty Dancing, Bringing Down the House, A Time to Kill, How to Lose a Guy in 10 days, and Blow.
So not a shy girl
You aren't shy at all, in fact, you're probably quite outgoing.
You are comfortable in almost any social situation, no matter how difficult.
How Shy Are You?
Some of my favs...Dancing w/ The Stars, SNL, Rockstar:Supernova, Everyday Italian, Inked, Real World/Road Rules Challenges, Punk'd, Dr. 90210. NO celeb reality shows!
You Belong in New York City
You're an energetic, ambitious woman.
And only NYC is fast enough for you.
You have a killer successful career
and like to take in all the city has to offer.
What City Do You Belong In?
Bible, Captivating, The Purpose Driven Life, Princess, This Boy's Life, Bringing up Boys, Raising Happy Kids, Don't Sweat the Small Stuff, Family First, Facedown, 15 minutes alone with God. NO corny romance novel stuff with stupid Fabio pics on the cover!
About Me
Name Crystal
Birthday August 2-Summer baby
Age 29
Height 5'3
Hair Color Starry night black
Eye Color Brown eyed girl, fake blue contacts
Have You Ever
Fallen for your bestfriend I'm not into women
Kissed someone who was just your friend Yes, it messed everything up!
Been rejected Yes-ouch!
Been in love Yes & I felt sooo alive!
Used someone In college to pass a class. I made him think I like him. Passed, then broke his heart
Cheated on someone Back in high school
Been cheated on Yes, payback stinks
Done something you regret I don't live a guilty and condemned life
Do you ...
Color your hair Not anymore
Have tattoos No, I like my skin clean
Have any piercings Ears
Have a bf/gf No & not looking
Like thunderstorms Yes, mainly the eerie calm before the storm
Ever get off the computer No way!
Have you/Do you have...
Have any magical powers I have the power to make people say yes to me
Considered being a hooker What??!!
Considered being married Fear of commitment.I can't even stay on the car pool lane-I want out!
Split personalities No.Yes.Shut up.Now now. All of u stop!
Obsessions Myspace!
Anxiety 1st year teaching. I thought- They rely on me for education?!
Depression/Considered suicide No way!!!
Right now..
Current clothes Jeans/T-shirt/flip flops girl
Current mood Always happy!!
Current hair Naturally curly yet I always straighten it
Current music Anything that reminds me of sunblock, sun, sand, waves, BBQ
Current perfume/cologne ISLAND
Current thing you should be doing Grading papers
Current crush Brad Pitt!!!
Drink Aquafina
Candy I don't like candy
Comedian Dane Cook
Place Anything earthy; beach, snow, mountains
Person to talk to I love talking to myself!
Marry the Perfect Lover or the perfect friend Marry the perfect friend & turn him into the perfect lover
Sunshine or Rain I love the smell of rain
Spring or Fall Fall, the leaves on the ground are gorgeous
Winter or Summer Summer
Vanilla or Chocolate Strawberry
Snowboarding or Sking Boarding!
Lights on or Off What??!!!
Are you...
Understanding Yeah
Open Minded I try to be!
Bad Tempered It takes a lot to upset me
Happy Yes!
Sad No way
Unique So I've been told
What do you like in a Girl/ Boy I don't have a type. I just love men. Even if he's unattractive I'll find an attractive quality in him
Height Taller than me
Body Type I'm not superficial about this
Personality Makes me laugh
How would you describe yourself Very balanced: Envy, Pride, Greed etc
Have any siblings? Yes I do
Where will you be in 5 years? After 9/11 I learned not to look that far ahead. I'm letting God write my life story.
Do you wanna be in love? I'm not searching but I want to fall "accidentally in love" when I do
What is the best thing about your personality? I'm coo' like that!
What words do you overuse LOL
Would you change your life if you could No, I'm digging where I'm at. I'm truly blessed
End this survey with a quote SOMETIMES IT'S WORSE TO WIN A FIGHT THAN TO LOSE by Billie Holiday
Jesus Christ, my parents, Pastor Bryan! People who change the lives of others for the good. I highly respect and thank the people (such as our troops)who are in the line of fire for us Americans everyday. Take the quiz:
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