Ága profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

like "a psychedelic pop song with 6/8 timing" (oh, and love the sound of bassguitars:) Go Portugal!!! :)

My Interests

music, music, music, theatre, books, travelling, airguitaring lol

I'd like to meet:

the cleaning lady of U2's studio ... or if it's actually a cleaning boy, it's even better! :D


U2, LGT, Nude :), R.E.M., Kimnowak, Borago, Emil.RuleZ!, Hungarian Jazz (!!!), Erik Truffaz Quartet, Coldplay, Dave Matthews Band, The Corrs, Gabor Szabo, Jamie Cullum, Illes, Kispal es a Borz, Led Zeppelin, Miles Davis, Norah Jones, Rolling Stones, Patti Smith, Sting, Queen...


Noe barkaja (Noah's ark by Pal Sandor), The Million Dollar Hotel, I Am Sam, The Pianist, Indul a bakterhaz, Csapd le csacsi, Patch Adams


House M.D., A Bit of Fry & Laurie, The IT Crowd


books about bands and from Miklós Vámos, Salman Rushdie, Endre Kukorelly, Dusan Sztevanovity (lyrics), Frigyes Karinthy, Dezso Kosztolányi, Anton Corbijn...