Somebdy once told me dat "finding the ryt person is very hard and very wrong... it is best to be d right person for the one you love and start from there... You'll always end up disappointed when you set standards and define a "right person" for U and don't rush things... 'Coz somewhere somehow God is preparing somebody for you. "You can never be perfect...the person you love can never be perfect... but both of you can be perfect through love and prayers, and your love can be perfect through the both of you. But, no relationship is complete without God... that's why we have marriage... it's a bond not only between you and your loved one... but also with God. Our relationships fail not because he/she's not the right person... it's because we expected too much and we decided on our own... let God do the may call it waiting time... but while you are waiting... pray. Let God guide you always... He knows better. No, He knows best. Love is not what you think it is...