I adopted a cute lil' death fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!
i don't have much time for sympathy just time to rock and roll, live life to the fullest, let the punk rock blood pour from my veins into the next generations intravenous drug use to make sure it never dies... making skate videos is sick wit it but it's hard to keep focus when i get caught up in my chemical imbalance i've been from red bluff to sac-town and back down. in the next year and a half i will be moving to san diego so i don't have to wear a sweater anymore because the cold weather sucks my balls. there truley is no better place in the states than cali and that is for sho. the only place i would rather live is amstermuthafuckindam so i could always compete in the cannibus cup... these are just my bumling fumbling thoughts to take up space so have fun reading my fucked up thoughts because i will stray off into some weird shit PEOPLE=SHIT I CAN RAP AND I'M HELLA GOOD WANNA READ A RAP? DON'T CARE GONNA WRITE IT ANYWAY........................... I BLOW BIG SMOKE FROM MY BONG TOKE DRINK BIG BEERS MY RAPS R WUT U FEAR NOW FOR MY MANIACLE LAUGH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE BREWS, BUDS, AND BABES I'M OUT
>Not one to FUCK with.
>Take you on trips to the moon in bed.
> excellent kisser
>Loves being in long relationships.=)
>best in bed---------------------------------------------------------
*Blue Eyes*
People with blue eyes last the longest in relationships. They are pretty or handsome & very good kissers. They always fall in love with their closest friends and never understand why, they are very funny and outgoing and don't care what people think or say. They are very satisfying and love to please. The best of all. If you repost this and you have blue eyes you will have the best kiss sometime in the next 4 days.
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