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you drove me insane

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A RaVe Is a fReE pLaCe, wHeRe tHe VeRtIcALLy PoWeR Is SpoNtAnEoUsLy SuBstItuDeD By oRiZoNtAL SyStEm 0f ReLatIoNsHiPs... Is aN eXpErIeNcE wHiCh CaN dIsApPeAr wHeN tHe RePrEssIvE pReSSuRe BeCoMeS t00 StRoNg, To ReFORm iN 0tHeR pLaCeS aNd dIffErEnt aGeS, cHaNgInG NaMe aNd IdEntItY; It’S a MeNtaL SpAcE, WhErE y0u CaN Go, RuNNiNg AwAy fRoM tHe InDuCeD NeCeSsItIeS aNd fRoM tHe CoNdItIoNiNgS, To SuRpRiSe tHe eNeMy dIsAppEaRiNg fRoM hIs sIgHt... Is LiKe a pLaCe, pHysIc aNd MeNtaL, wHeRe pEoPLe CaN fReELy aSSoCiAtE, wItH No wRittEn RuLeS To SuBmIt, bUt FoLLoWiNg CoMMoN IdEaLs, In wHiCh eVeRyoNe CaN fReELy eXpReSs hIs IdEaS aNd hIs wAy 0f tHiNkInG... SuCh aS a fReE SoCiEtY BaSeD oN SoLiDaRitY, fReE aSSoCiAtIoN 0f IdEaS aNd Pe0pLe...

Alice in Wonderland syndrome:
A syndrome of distorted space, time and body image. The patient with the Alice in Wonderland syndrome has a feeling that their entire body or parts of it have been altered in shape and size. The syndrome is usually associated with visual hallucinations. Is a disorienting neurological condition which affects human perception. Sufferers may experience micropsia, macropsia, and/or size distortion of other sensory modalities; it also affects the sufferer's sense of touch, hearing and sometimes one's own body image. A temporary condition, it is often associated with migraines and the use of psychoactive drugs.

La vita è breve... rompi le regole, dimentica in fretta, bacia lentamente, ama sinceramente, ridi senza controllo e non rimpiangere mai qualcosa che ti ha fatto sorridere...

My Blog

Aussie Jingle Bells (Colin Buchanan) Dashing through the bush In a rusty Holden Ute Kicking up the dust Esky in the boot Kelpie by my side Singing Christmas...
Posted by on Thu, 08 Jan 2009 13:46:00 GMT

ora più che mai...

catapultato in un luogo strano dove chi piange non va lontano ha vistofacce che fanno male ha conosciuto la rabbia e il dolore mi guardaspesso con gli occhi spenti mi ha raccontato di quei momenti in ...
Posted by on Wed, 31 Dec 2008 03:10:00 GMT

Per tutti quelli che...

...stanno sempre su messenger o su myspace chattando con gli amici...perdono una marea di tempo non andando a concludere niente ...non pensano al futuro ma pensano alla foto da mettere sul profil...
Posted by on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 10:08:00 GMT

Dove Sei?

Dove Sei? - Prozac + Ridi se vuoi ma non ti fermareA guardarmi a guardarmi e a farmi del maleE adesso te ne vai per un fiocco di neveTanto poi tornerai per un gesto corteseNon sai coshai, cosa vuoi...
Posted by on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 02:55:00 GMT