Founded in late 2003 out of the Motörhead Tribute Band NÖ CLASS the band went
through the usual singer changes, while the musical direction was clear from the
first second on.
Former MEGACE guitarist Schrörg compiled the line up
with Zwonk and Schrotti after the decision to form a new band with original
material, while these 2 still go on with NÖ CLASS aside of FIRE. Zwonk and
Schotti hailed from DR.ÖHNER, a Metal/Rock'n'Roll bastard that released one
Album only. For the position on the low end, only Higgy came into question and
took the Bass over immediately. First singer Alfie also was taken over from
DR.ÖHNER, but beside his great voice and all friendship it didn't work out
Alfie was replaced by Katscho, formerly in ASMODIS and STONE
COLD BLACK. 10 rehearsals with Katscho and the band entered the stage the first
time in late Summer 2004 at the Tipsy Apes Open Air in Hamburg-Harburg in front
of 400 astonished metalheads (at that point still under the banner of
Followed by several shows in Lübeck, Hamburg and around with
different bands like Gun Barrel, Debauchery and many more proved the band
immediately to be a killer live act. No surprise, as all members have been
deeply into the Hamburg Metal scene sinces centuries...
Finally it looked as
if the band and Katscho couldn't find the same line, and so in late 2005 Nino
Leone took over the microphone.
Getting tired of permantly being asked
about "SINwhat?" the bands name was quickly changed into the simple and clear
FIRE. No FIRE-this or FIRE-that, just FIRE, burning, hot F I R E !!! Got it? The
5 songs (including 1 instrumental) that were already recorded in December 2004 -
live in the Studio with only some very rare overdubs like leads or acoustic
guitar - was finally finished when Nino was kicked into the studio to rerecord
the vocals.
Produced by the band and Arne Lakenmacher at High Gain
Studio-Hamburg (, the final mix was laid down in early
June 2006. As finishing this Demo took quite a while, "THE END OF PATIENCE"
seems to be a quite fitting name for these recordings.
And here we go
now, listen and get your ass kicked big time!
We parted as brothers from Nino for nothing else but musical reasons in March 2008. And we wanna wish him all the best for his future, musically and personally - thanks for all the laughs, the inspirations and the real good time we had, bro!
By accident the guy we have been looking for knocked at our door 1 week later...and said that he heard, that we are looking for a singer! There he was, the voice of our dreams - and vice versa it was the same with him. Even though the world proves again and again not to be perfect, there can be some light... which is raising the FIRE!
The old recordings with Nino are still on here, but we'll take them down, as soon as we can upload the first songs with Klammsi. You'll be surprised, this guy has rock, metal and blues in his voice!
We are stronger than ever, no shit!
Finally the first roughmixes with Klammsi on Vocals are uploaded.
FIRE - written by Zwonk 20 years ago and in our live set from the beginning on, we finally decided to record the song for ourselves. And Klammsi laid down some really cool vocals after being in the band for 1 week. Yesterday he said he wants to redo them, but they are cool enough to give you an impression about his voice. No need to say, that this is really only a rough mix. Schrotti recorded us with our roommates HD recorder. Basic tracks might be from late 2006, hard to say...
DER RITTERSONG - basic tracks have been recorded during the 2004 session with Arne Lakenmacher, but we didn't have the time to finish it. What you are listening to is basically a live recording. 2-3 overdubs on Schrörgs guitar, lead and acoustic added of course. And as we couldn't finish the 2-3 Zwonk overdubs during that session, we finally got a mix from Arne without Zwonks guitar on. So he did it again in our rehearsal room and added his lead. This song seems to be one of our most beloved livesongs... we wanna do a new recording, as we fucked up the harmony in the chorus and realized later that we played the part differently... but for those that like the song, here it finally is. One day a better version will be online :)
SHOCKTRAIN - one of the newer songs, kinda Maiden influenced, written by Higgy. As well a roughmix as FIRE is, no backings on... but we wanted to get the old songs down and put something new. We can live with this for the moment. Download all songs now, as we'll replace them as soon as better versions will be there.