Guitarist JeeWee "Junior" Donkers is not an unknown in the music scene of Wageningen and surroundings; he has been playing in the salsa jazz formation Worst van Walraven for more than seven years.
"Junior's" roots are clearly in the blues: greats like the three Kings and Eric Clapton are amongst his idols, as was Dire Straits' Mark Knopfler. In a later stage the music of Jimi Hendrix made him familiar with more varied styles, including improvisation. Finally Pat Metheny pointed him into the direction of jazz. This resulted in the formation of the successful jazz group Douleur Locale in 1993, which had a repertoire of jazz and ethnic originals.
Even though JeeWee has been reportedly playing in Big Bands and loud blues jam sessions, he has been developing his own style of solo accompaniment, inspired by Joe Pass, Gil Dor and Tuck Andress. This style has proved to be very appropriate in small ensembles like TwoGetherness and the brazilian bossa-nova trio Sotaque.
The past few years his interests have developed into writing and recording original material, instrumental as well as vocal. As he continues to peform live with TwoGetherness he is at the same time pursuing a singer-songwriter career with Live Poets Society
Musical Track record
2007-present. Live Poets Society - Singer-songwriter project with JeeWee on vocals and guitar.
1995-present TwoGetherness - jazzy pop/poppy jazz duo.
December 2008: featured in Editor's Big Eight in Guitar Player Magazine
2007. Lead Guitarist in The Who's Rock Opera "Tommy", with
Musical Club
Sempre Sereno
2001-2002 Tex Mex Nightmare - world music = folk music = good music = sad music
1988-2000 Worst van Walraven - Partyfunksalsabop with beautiful moments
1997-98. Semicidal Tendencies - PowerPop
1994-1998 Guest soloist with a.o. Ad Jeuken Band, Paint it Black, Bullfrog Blues Machine
1996. Douleur Encore - experimental jazz/world music trio - quintet
1995-96. Big Band Utrecht
1990-96. Stegeman Trio (Worst van Walraven's sidekick act) - guitar, two horns; jazz
1995. Foursome - Powerpop
1993-95. Douleur Locale - experimental jazz/world music quartet
1991-95. Sotaque - Braziliaans bossa-nova trio (vocal/horn/guitar)
1994. Workshop Ensemble Improvisation (led by Michiel Braam)
1992-93. The Medley Gang - transvestite music theatre
1991. No More Madonna's - feminist music theatre involving Heleen vd Hombergh
1989-91. Central Heat Big Band , Heelsum, the Netherlands
1989-90. Kaketoo - Surinam Latin Rock
1990. Spastic Plastic - jazz & jazzrock
1988-90. Combo acc. Youth Choir Voces Pacis (Heelsum) - Gospel
1988. Workshop Surinam Jazz (led by Kenrick Guenther)
1987-88. Plastic Eggs - Blues & Rock collegeband
1985. High School Graduation Band. GSGenderdal Eindhoven, the Netherlands