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About Me

"Life is only as good as the memories we make."
-The Ataris
The name is Kamran.
People call me Kam.
I love muh God above all else. †
I hope I can make you smile.

My Interests

TO LOVE: 1. To have a deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward (a person).
2. To have an intense emotional attachment to.
3. To thrive on; need.

I'm pretty sure I can say I love these people: I love them.

MOMMY&DADDY: I don't even know what to say about these two. So freakn crazy. Hahah. But gosh, they came here with only their clothes on their back and the dream of having this family. I owe them everything in the world. I admit, I do hate it when they lecture me.. And I hate it even more when its about the same thing! But they always make it interesting, especially my father-- his use of smilies and metaphors are amazing. I remember sooo many things from when I was younger. When I used to sit in my mom's lap and tell her 'You mean more then the world to me.' in her native tongue; Cambodian. Then with my father.. I remember all those times when he thaught me how to ride a bike, roller blade, swim.. And shoot, he didn't even know how to do em himself. I know I have to be the luckiest kid on the earth. These two.. So amazing. My dream? Make them the proudest parents in the world. And I sincerely mean that. I'll do what it takes.
ANILA: She is my dear, dear sister. She's absolutely amazing, she's been there at every cornerstone of my life. She's helped me shaped it for the better. I especially remember the time where she had to get her appendix removed.. They said she almost died, I dont think I cried that much in my life. She welcome me with open arms to her and her friends. See, I never really had any, but she was there for me. She welcomed me. She's so amazing. Even now... Through all this crap and that has been happening her junior and senior year... She's pulled out through it all-- and she'll still kick your butt. I dont know what I've done to deserve sucha wonderful sister like her in my life... But I do know, no matter what I did, am doing, or will ever do, I can't chase this girl away from me. We're stuck here, like this, forever.

MARINA: This... this.. woman? Hahah. Sounds weird calling her that. She's my wonderful sister, also my second mother. I remember when I used to draw moustaches and devil horns on her pictures... How stupid I was.. Truth be told, I never started appreciating her until she left. It was then when I realized how amazing this woman is. She's helped me through everything. She's as gorgeous as a billion girls combined. She's changed my diaper, taught me how to walk, help me in school, and overall prepare me for this world. And now.. We're gettin closer, we've never had a really close relationship up until recently, cause now I understand more. And shoot.. Looking at what she's been through cause of the horrible luck she's had in her life.. She's amazing. I cannot thank her enough.

ARIEL: This friggin idiot... Hahah. We met cause she was sympathetic to her friend's brother who broke his collar bone. Gosh, I wish I met her earlier. She's as close as a sister will get. I cannot thank her enough for everything she's put up with. I remember those summer nights when she'd be over for days at a time. We would do absolutely n-o-t-h-i-n-g! And I loved ittt! Haha. This gal has helped me deal with everything from family, school, friends, love life, and religion. And I dont think there has been a time where she said 'no' to anything I have asked of her when I was in need. She's always been there, even when I was stupid and wrong. She's oh-so lovely. I think she's dealt with everything an average sister would have to, and then some.

ALEXIS: This gal. I think she's the female counter-part of me!! Haha. The only difference is that I'm a runner and she can sing friggin well! Just recently we had our first fight, after what... Three years of knowing each other? Haha. And I hated it. I went shopping and I missed her sooo much! Her and I are so alike. We both, I believe, are very optimistic people and it can get in the way sometime... But shoot, I can relate with her a lot. I recall those times when her and I go shopping and pick out clothes that look wonderful on her, and then those that look horrible too! Haha. And I know I don't tell her enough, but daaaang. I think she has the best taste in fashion out of all my friends, and I think she's one of the most beautiful ones when she wants to be. And I bet after reading this she's all flustered. She needs to learn to take a compliment, cause daaaaang girl. You're too modest. You're awesome. Don't bother denying any of this girl. ;]

ANGELICA: Ahaha. Crazyyy girl. I recently met her and its been bomb. We've gotten so close, so fast. Hahah. And its cool, I never really met a girl quite like her. She's like my best friend, and that's it! I know she'll be there for me. She doesn't really talk, but she has a way with words.. Hahah. She lets me know she's there without saying it. And that's what I truly love about her. Her and I have been in sooo many alike situations.. It's crazy. It's like God saw us both and was like.. 'Hey, these two should meet and talk about their mutual experiences.' She also helped me become more open and tolerant. I'm a Christian, but she's helped me accept the fact that those who love Christ, love Christ. What more is there? She's a blessing. Haha. Oh, and its funny how some people thought we had something going on. We're more like siblings. Oh shaddd up everyone!! :]

Oh gosh. I thank God everyday for these wonderful ladies in my life... I'm so glad I have them. I can't imagine life without them. I know that they'll be there for me, thick and thin. If you ever ask me who I thought the most beautiful, brilliant, amazing women are... Just look at the list above.
Oh, and the most handsome man? That'd be my father thank you very much. ;]

Just one day... I hope I can repay them. I know it'll never be enough.. But I wanna try.
I'm drowning in their love.3

I'd like to meet:

I love meeting new people! So hit me up. :D

And gosh. I wanna meet that girl. :D


is amazing.


i love movies.
let's watch one, yea?


i aspire to be like christ.
even as impossible as it it.