My Soulmate! My Wingman, eventually, for all the help when I really needed it. ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- This is kind of long, but it just knocks me out. It reminds me to appreciate what is and not worry about things in the world I can't fix.... It's still a beautifull planet. ------------------------------------------------------------ ----- ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------JFK, They don't make Democrats like that anymore.... ---------------------------------------George "W" Bush... Why can't anybody remember you in Alabama??? Why can't you remember them??? I'll never forget those I served with... Carl Rove, draft-dodger and political spinner. I'd just like to have a few words.... War profiteer Cheney, but only if I'm armed and I can wear a vest... My Guardian Angels and any fellow River Rats from my time in the Delta, Bin Laden...I'd take him out for free! It shouldn't take an army and 3 TRILLION in tax dollars to "neutralize" one terrorist and one dictator that our foreign policy helped to create!!! Am I the only one that remembers Reagan giving Sadaam the chemical weapons??? GEEEZ!!! He supplied weapons to Bin Laden as well... and nobody can remember it. Thomas Jefferson, Mark Twain, Dali Lama, Mother Teresa Oprah Winfree, Jimmy Dolittle, Vincent van Gogh, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Michelangelo; Martin Luther King, John Lennon, Jesus Christ, Buddah and Mohammad(eventually)... and any of my fellow gunboat riders from the Delta... ------------------------------------------------------------