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Jai Laurence

Be you...Make no excuses for that....

About Me


My Interests

Intersting people interest me. Traveling, different sounds, the smell of boarding an airplane. Tina Turner. Great food sparks my interest! Walking around the streets of New York, when I'm bored or feeling sad--pretty interesting. People that know how to enjoy life. The sound of children laughing, and playing. Good conversation.....and.....most importantly is music.

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Ummm I am a reality freak.....but my favorite show will be the next one that I star in!


..........tell me about it, I promise I will listen this time. Not to make you think I am not educated, BUT I honestly hate to read. In the a.m. you will not catch me without my NY Times.


My moms my "Shero" a lot of people say that about their parents but no matter how close we are or far away I will never forget to honor the only woman that could handle raising me! Also- I truly admire the Thundercats :-)