Brittney Ann profile picture

Brittney Ann

*EveRyth!nG h@ppen$ 4 a Rea$oN,s0mEt!me$ th!nGS F@lL aPArT jU$t s0 OtheR TH!ng$ c@n FalL 2gEtHEr. Bu

About Me

Hello there!!! this is just a little about me... ~I go to Moss Point High.. I am a SENIOR!!! what?? class of 2007 ~I am 18 years old ~I absolutly LOVE MY GIRLS... holly, ashy, an cole!!! (i would do any thing for them) ~I am about 5'2" and slinder.... ~I have a DONT-GIVA-SHIT attitude ~If i dont like YOU.... believe me you will know... ~I entend to open my mouth when i shouldnt ~I say things and dont realize i`ve hurt some ones feelings.... I just happen to say whats on my mind... ~I cuss like crazy... ~I love my BIG green eyes.... ~I hate drama but it always seems to visit me.... ~I have 6 ear percings, my belly button pierced, and one tattoo on my side..... ~theres more but if you want to know any thing just message me an i`ll let you know!!!!Love muches Britt (holla)
about me (: fill it out
name ?: Britney
nickname ?: BRIT!!
birthday ?: Jan. 20
birth place ?: llano, TEXAS
current location ?: MOSS POINT
how old are you ?: 18 WHAT???
what school do you go to ?: MPHS
do you have a job ?: unfortinutly i do
eye color ?: green
hair color ?: strawberry blonde (get it right)
height ?: about 5'2"
heritage ?:
shoes you wore today ?: Clarks and my sperrys
your weakness ?: many things
your fears ?: alot of things
most overused phrase ?: HECK YES!! SHIT YEAH!!!
bed time ?: dont really have one.. when i get ready to
orientation ?:
food ?: im addicted to fast foods
store ?: American Eagle and Hollister
place to hangout ?: not any this place suxx BAD!!
color ?: green red blue or grey
song ?: the all time best lets give em something to talk about
band ?: not one
singer ?: not one
word ?: shit yeah or my ninja
movie ?: to many to name
actor ?: not one
actress ?: not one
season ?: Fall and Spring
sport ?: Soccer of Baseball!! Football suxx ASS!!!
hobby ?: nto one
brand ?: what?
animal ?: i would have to say my stupid dog hunner
drink ?: Dr Pepper of Mr. pibb
show ?: way to many to name
subject ?: i would say... not one
place to be ?: who knows
person ?: what?
saying or quote ?: eat shit of coarse and shit yeah now!!
candy ?: starburst
kind of music ?: any thing but shit i cant understand
kind of ice cream ?: chocolate chip cookie dough!! lol
fruity flavor ?: hugh???
kind of gum ?: orbit
pepsi or coke ?: coke
single or group dates ?: it depends
mcdonalds or burger king ?: McDonalds
whip cream or cherries ?: cherries
chocolate or vanilla ?: both
rock or rap ?: both
britney or christina ?: ha... neither
neat or messy ?: neat i hate messy.. im a clean freak!!
pink or red ?: red
curly or straight hair ?: both
love or lust ?: neither
kissing or hugging ?: i like both
leading or following ?: leading
night or day ?: depends on whats goin on
blonde or brunette ?: blonde!!!
music or movies ?: both
smoked ?: yes
drank ?: who hasnt??
done drugs ?: no
smoked marijuana ?: as much as i hate to say it but yes....
been drunk ?: lol yeah
been to a concert ?: yes
had sex ?: thats my business
been in love ?: once an lust the other times
broken a bone ?: yes
been out of the country ?: no but gonna...
had surgery ?: yes
wished to be someone else ?: no never
had to go the the hospital ?: yea
had to change for someone you like ?: i would never do that if they didnt liek me for me then they can kiss my ass
favorite hair color ?: brown, blonde, both
favorite eye color ?: green, blue, all!!
body type ?: muscular!!! owh baby!!!
height ?: tall but short its okay
short or long hair ?: short but long could do
best clothing style ?:
whats there personality like ?: i dont know different people have different personalities
serious or funny ?: funny but serious to
uptight or laid back ?: laid back
would they have tattoos or piercings ?: yeah but lot like every where
any piercings + where are they ?: my ears
any tattoos + where are they ?: no but gonna get one!! yay!!!
number of things you regret ?: alot of things
number of drugs taken ?: none
number of songs you have downloaded ?: i dont download
how do you want to die ?: who knows
what do you want to be when your older ?: real estates agent
ever shop lifted ?: when i was like 7 and my mom beat my ass
ever skinny dipped ?: ha ha yes
ever been beaten up ?: im not a fighter
ever been called a tease ?: yes
have you ever stole anything ?: no
whens the last time you went to the mall ?: like i dont know.... shoppin for school
who is your best friend ?: holly amber ashleigh and cole
do you want to get married ?: one day
do you want to have kids ?: one day no time soon
have any names picked out for your future kids ?: yes eeien for the boy and emily august for the girl
do you swear ?: to much
are you a health freak ?: lol no
do you get along w/ your parents ?: some times
can you cook good ?: no i would burn the house down
did you love this survey ? :): ha
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I'd like to meet:

"DRAMA: It's funny how they say they hate it when they're really the girls who always create it!"


i listen to just about every thing.. i cant stand that opera crap tho...


SO SO SO SO many i cant even start naming.....


Bis forBold
Ris forRebellious
Iis forIdeal
Tis forTemperamental
Nis forNeat
Eis forExtreme
Yis forYummy What Does Your Name Mean?

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i dont really read but the best book ever is "A Bend in The Road" by Nicholas Sparks Television:: All i ever do is watch tv. i like the hills, laguna beach, falcon beach every thing!!!
Life is Random...ask questions
Ocean or Lake? neither... pool
Pizza or Chinese? eww!
Mansion or Penthouse? Mansion
Have you been on a Jet Ski? yeah...
Are you afraid of clowns? kinda
How many brothers/sisters do you have? 2 sisters an 4 brothers and 2 step brothers
Favorite band/group? dont really have one
Baseball or football? Football... GO SAINTS!!!!
Favorite brand of makeup? it dont matter dont really wear it... just mascara..
Waffles or pancakes? Waffles
Do you have an IPod? No dont want one
Bike or scooter? neither
&..39;Ever go in a hot air balloon?' No
How will you celebrate turning 21? Partyin!!!
What brand computer do you have? Compaq an dell
How many times have you been to DisneyWorld? once
Favorite city? dont have one
Ice cream or frozen yogurt? frozen yogurt
Do you think you are fat? NO!!!!to skinny
Ever throw up in a public place? i dont think
Do you have a pool? no
Ever drive a car? of coarse...
How many times a month do you go to the movies? not to often
Last movie you saw? the one with will smith in it dont remember the name
Who is your hero?
How old are your parents? 44 i think
What deceased person would you like to meet? not sure
Do you chew ice? No it hurts my teeth
Have you been to California? No but wanna go
Last book you read? trure Belive Nicholas Sparks
Favorite teacher? NOT ONE
Do you like to go fishing? sometimes done even catch any thing except one time with holly matt and david but we cheated
How many boyfirends/girlfriends have you had? 1 serious but to many other
How many of those do you regret? just a few
What is you average in school? what kind of question is that
Favorite professional team?
Do you like mohawks? gosh no
How many pairs of shoes do you own? dont know
Do you floss? YEAH!!!
Do you have braces? No
Do you bite your nails? yea very bad habit
What is your last thought before falling asleep? lol thats stupid
Do you fall in love easily? NO...
Ever have a crush and they never knew? Yeah
Do you babysit? heck no
Ever been shot at? no... lol
Do you work out/exercise? no
Do you have 6 pack abs? no
Do you consider yourself nice? sometimes... but not really
What movie character would you like to be? not one
Do you go to camp for the summer? no thats 4 kids
Ever been bit by a snake? no an dont want to
Have you been on a boat? yea
Name of friend you have known the longest? Nichole
Ever break a bone? yea
Name of favorite Aunt/Uncle? Not One
What is your ultimate job? !!!!
Do you want to walk on the moon? no not really
Can you name the seven dwarfs? NO only like 2 of them
Favorite TV show? The Hills, OC, Falcon beach, laguna beach, etc...
Apples or oranges? Apples
Favorite model of car? FORD MUSTANG.. or the new fusions...
Favorite flower? dont know
Favorite color? theres not really one
Besides family, ever have someone of the opp sex in your bedroom? lol yea....
Ever climb out your bedroom window? no just walk out the front door...
Do you live in an apartment or house? that big double wide.. about to build a house
How many times in the last month have you had the hiccups? cant remember
Ever laugh so hard milk came out your nose? no
How many cousins do you have? like... i dont know
Do you believe in ghosts? not really
If you were a bird, what would you be? not one
Ever get stitches? yea
If you could, would you want to know what your future was going to be? what my life is gonna end up like!!!!!
How many kids do you want to have? 2
If you could change your name, what would it be? some thing except brittney.. to many have it
Dogs or cats? dogs
Who do you tell your problems to? Nichole.. shes one of the only TTRRUUEE friend i have ash and holly listen but i dont tell the much
Who can your tell your secrets to and know they wont tell? My dog... lol just kiddin Nichole.. sometimes ash and holly
Do you believe in love at first sight? hell no
Do you go to church? no but i need to
Would you marry outside your religon?
Volleyball or tennis? tennis
How many people were at your last party? i dont have parties i go to them
Ever ride in a limo? yea
Ever drink champagne? no
Favorite dinner? i dont know


I take the good with the bad, Smile with the sad, Love what I got, And remember what I had. Always forgave, But never forgot, Learned from my mistakes, But never regret. People change, Things go wrong, I just remembered ..Life Goes On
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