creating handmade gifts, jewlery, cards, building furniture, getting my nails done, using power tools, getting my hands dirty, singing, bargin shopping, antiques, green kitchenware, spending an hour on my makeup; un-interupted, baking fancy treats, setting a beautiful table, flower arranging, details
Jesus, Mary Kay Ash, Martha Stewart, the child in my Mom and Dad, the person I will be in 5 years.
What movies? The last movie I saw in a theater was Toy Story 2. Yea- sad, I know. Having 4 kids = no recollection of anything entertaining. I'm up for a good chick flick! Any suggestions?
This Old House, New Yankee Workshop, 20/20, Dateline, 48 hours, 24
Bible, Your Best Life Now- I am becoming a reader- slowly
Proverbs 31 Woman. Mary Kay Ash and Lisa Madson who have helped hundreds of thousands of women live their dreams.