leif profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

All i really care about is avenging my beleaguered reputation. Fighting off the dim-witted hordes who are determined to leave me un-fulfilled. Proving that singing and indie whining are not the same thing. Getting spartan on those arses who dare include The Beach Boys in their bio.
Currently I am Second Tenor in The TM Band. Singing is my reason for living. My heroes are Mitch Margo and The Tokens. The Businessman Recording Studio blew up but I'm trying to fix it. In this studio we record The TM Band and lots of 37 second vocal vamps. I believe in muffin, perhaps tomorrow I'll believe something.
But now for something completely facsimilar...
I first appeared as a naked apparition in Wellington, New Zealand but was treated badly by the local wildlife.
I was spotted a second time some 7000 miles west on the the lonely south coast of Western Australia. My grip on reality was a little stronger this time, and i managed to maintain a tangible physical presence for several years. During this formative time i developed a love of pop music, harmony and art that has continued to grow and grow ever since.
Like the appearance of Our Lady Of Fatima my existence has sometimes been questionable. Though there are a few who do believe. Most recently i've been known to favour the Sub-Mediterranean climes of holy Melbourne, half way point between my beginning and end.
When first in this magical city i was profoundly lucky enough to be taken in by three travelling salesmen who had an indestructible passion for their product. We joined forces but the alliance was preternaturally flawed. I absorbed and grew with the help of the passionate salesmen, but we soon had to cut down the empire.
From that point on i dreamed and dreamed.
All i've ever really wanted to do is stand at the bottom of the Grand Canyon and sing a New York harmony.
Oh, please let me wonder.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

The Trader, Spirits, Cosmic Pleasure Seekers, Adventurists, Baby Blue, Animal, Mrs. Jones.

These guys below are The Happenings, possibly my most favourite vocal group. More balls than The Beach Boys, better production than The Tokens. And they ride jet skis. What more could a poor man dream of?

My Blog

exploring the ether

juxtapose the comatosewith a spice for life.divine the spiritual linewith a temporal pipe.witness the richnessand explore for more.open wide for the diatribethat will present sense.gather the matteran...
Posted by on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 17:09:00 GMT

voice your enthusiasm for voice

Let me be divine vocal sparks that crackle the air. Let me be aural honey. Let me vocalise vocalese. Let me shift air molecules with tongue shapes. Let there be harmony. Let harmony bring family. Let ...
Posted by on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 16:51:00 GMT

sexual politics

The breast of insanity lingers longer over your shoulderthan the blessed ones who keep movingforwards towards new found gloriesthat spike their compassion with needle pointaccuracy, depleting, deflati...
Posted by on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 20:46:00 GMT

this is the way the time line passes

We walked up and down Brunswick St yesterday looking for an old man with swollen feet and a white beard. He promised to sell us a quarter which we greatly needed to help make it through the night. We ...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 18:44:00 GMT

Howl at The Moon and Bid Adieu to Sincerity

Shtomple scrut. I'm going to bash myself over the head. It just builds up and builds up until i can't take it no more. When it gets too bad i just have to yell abuse. Verbally assaulting the poor girl...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 17:47:00 GMT

The Bird Without Feathers Has A Nom De Plume

Note to All of Our Friends Who May Be Unlucky Enough To Visit Our House On Scotchmer St: The skeletal Gaurd Squab has taken up his Post at the head of the Choir, and now provides constant surveillance...
Posted by on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 18:31:00 GMT

Hedonistic Pleasure Principal

You. Me. Cards. Chips. Beer. Hot Wax. Studded Belts. Trophies. Cabinets. Skanks. Low Life Wannabes. Nudity. Male Chauvinism. Sydney Rd Girls Who Love Nothing More Than To Serve You Cold Beer In The Nu...
Posted by on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 18:27:00 GMT