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I am here for Friends

About Me

i've been through so much in my life... between family, friends, and relationships... i've had many trips and falls. I learn from every experience and try not to blame the wrong person. I am fine with showing my flaws and making mistakes. I love where i'm going. Even if right now isn't perfect.. that doesn't mean tomorrow wont be. My friends are the most important things to me in my life. Without people like michelle and rafael, i wouldn't know which way is up. I owe the world to them and honestly, no one knows me better than those two. I have a very small number of friends on myspace bacause the people on here are people i truley view as friends. If you don't know anything about me. It's prob for the best because the girl that i was is not the girl i am now, or who i'm going to be. So get to know me now... the past isn't necessary.I work two jobs and am in National Honor society in college. (Phi Theta Kappa). I'm currently under construction and the renovations could take a while.. but my goals are within reach and i'm not stoping untill i reach all of is simple when you have the blueprints.... whateverlife was here bulletin

My Blog

25 things.. it's a facebook thing....

1. When ever anyone finds out my name is Victoria they ask me what my secret is2. I am a HUGE procrastinator with everything that has to do with school, but in the real world, I plan things out a week...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Feb 2009 18:14:00 GMT

for those against the war on terror

let's play this out, we walk and afghan reverts back to the Taliban. Only now the Taliban has metastasis into something infinitely more vicious and potent because they are now 2-0 against superpowers....
Posted by on Wed, 03 Dec 2008 21:18:00 GMT