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Somewhere in the cold and windy Chicago night a new musical movement is gaining momentum. Smooth as silk yet tough as nails, White Hot Knife’s romantic sound is defined by thundering beats that are designed to capture and hypnotize. Chic bass driven melodies and angled patterns of fluttering guitar are bringing this sound to the forefront of the indie rock scene. White Hot Knife has emerged from the ashes of former hardcore and electronic projects to create a sound that blends eroticism with dark pop elements in a way never seen before.
Backed by the bruised and bloody guitars of Paul Summers and Ryan Aldrich, Joe Olivio’s vocals are a siren of warning carefully aimed at the heart. The rhythm section comprised of Collin Patrick and Ken Boksa roars steadily as White Hot Knife etches it’s signature sound into the mind of each new listener they encounter.
According to Unrated Magazine, the band “has been growing from day one, and makes sure that each song is an effort toward creating something distinctiveâ€. recognizes the bands talent, and thinks the new EP “is truly something special!â€. Q101, WXRT, WLUW and WNUR have all embraced WHK, featuring their tracks on air. Alternative Press has also given WHK the nod, showcasing them in their July 07 issue.
With every performance, the crowds swell larger and larger; dedicated fans and curious new listeners alike. Get ready to march to the beat of your own funeral drum, White Hot Knife is here.
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