VICTOR profile picture


He Who Hesitates Is Lost

About Me

My name is Victor...or Vic.Im 19 and im a complicated person to understand.To truly know who i am and what im about you have to hangout with me and spend time with me.I love my family and will die for them anyday.i like to make people happy and i dont like to see people sad or not in a good is all about learning and trying out different things and giving people chances.i also think that the friends you hangout with show who you not a mean person but i can be if people push me to the edge then i blow up and no one wants to see that.anything else just ask me. ..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
*bout you*
¢¾Bout You
Full Name:: Victor Manuel Ramirez
Nicknames:: Victor,Vic
Birthday:: April 13th
Birthplace:: Tijuana
Current Location:: Bellevue
Mood:: calm...chill
Height:: 5'8
Weight:: 165
Tatoos:: none...i got battle scars though
Piercings:: none
Hair Color:: black
Eye Color:: brown
¢¾ Your
Overused Phrase:: Damn!
Bedtime:: whenever my eyes shut
Best Physical Feature:: you tell me
Weakness:: trusting people, and losing the ones i love.
Fears:: spiders...really dark places
Most Embarrassing Moment:: alot
Most Missed Memory:: childhood and my grandpa
1st Thought Awaking:: what time is it?
Best Friends:: elias,david martinez,koke,jimmy,mike,matt,derek
¢¾This or That
Pepsi or Coke:: there the same to me
McDonalds or Burger King:: both
Chocolate or Vanilla:: strawberries
Water or Milk:: water
Coffee or Hot Chocolate:: capuccino
Hugs or Kisses:: both...maybe a little more lol
Making Out or Kissing:: both and then some
Cats or Dogs:: dogs!!
Hugs From Friends or Hugs From gf/bf:: hugs from gayness though
Summer or Winter:: summer
Scary or Romantic Movies:: both
Love or Money:: love
Green or Purple Grapes:: purple
¢¾ In Bf/ Gf
Preffered Eye Color:: doesnt matter
Preffered Hair Color:: doesnt matter
Short or Long Hair:: not to short...unless it looks good
Preffered Height:: same height or shorter
Preffered Weight:: not not trying to be mean
Looks or Personality:: personality
Beautiful or Hot:: beautiful
Handsome or Sexy:: sexy???
? Love
Lets Talk Bout Love:: only happens less then twice in with the girl that breaks your heart then your wife.
Been In Love:: not yet
First Love:: my mom!!
Still In Love With Them:: i love my mom!!!with all my heart!!
How Much:: ALOT!!!
Do You Miss Someone Now:: yes
Who:: my grandpa
What About Them Do You Love Most:: how great he was and never gave up
¢¾ Last Person..
You Called:: " Money" Mike Lucis
Called You:: Jimmy
Texted You:: Jackie...shes jewish lol
Said I Love You:: my mom
You Said I Love You To:: my mom!
You Missed:: my grandpa
Took Your Pic:: amanda
To Go To The Movies With:: it was a group of us
¢¾Have You
Stayed Up All Night Waiting For Someone To Call:: hell gonna be honest
Drank:: yes...
Smoked Anything:: no...smoking is nasty and gross.
Skinny Dipped:: not that i think so
Done Drugs:: no.drugs are stupid.
Played Spin The Bottle:: yes
Toilet Papered Someones House:: yes lol...memories
Made Out In Theatre:: yea
Made Out In Car:: yea
Went Camping:: haha yea alot...ive got kicked out from camping too lol
Cried During Movie:: yea...
Like Someone and Not Tell Them:: was dumb so now i let them know
Been Tickled So Bad You Cried:: no
Been Tickled So Bad You Couldn't Talk:: yea
Danced In The Rain:: i play in the rain
Been On Stage:: yea
Laughed For No Reason:: all the time
Smiled For No Reason:: all the time
Yelled At Your Pet:: haha yea
Hung Up On Someone:: yes
Asked Someone To Marry You:: lol yea but i was joking
Stalked Someone:: no
Walked In Rain Without Umbrella:: yes
Protested:: uh...i dont think so
Been On A Cruise:: no
Cried Over Girl/ Guy:: no
Been On Plane:: yea
Thrown Your Shoe At Someone:: yea lol
Sung In Shower:: all the time lol
Been Heart Broken:: no
Broken Someones Heart:: i dont know..
¢¾ Randoms
Think Your Attractive:: mom says I am
Regret Something:: yea but stuff happens for a reason
Way You Want To Die:: knowing i made a difference is someones life
Believe In Yourself:: most of the time
Been Emotionally Hurt By Something Your Parents Decided To Do: kinda
Want To Get Married:: someday
Want Kids:: yea
Believe In Yourself:: yes
Get Along With Parents:: yea
Can You Open Your Eyes Underwater:: yea but it hurts
Touch Tongue To Nose:: no
Unwrap Starburst With Tongue:: that might be a little to gay
Shower Daily:: yea
Can You MultiTask:: yea kinda lol
Whistle:: no
Can You Do The Splits:: no
What Is Your Fav Scent:: curve
What Scent Do You Wear:: alot...mostly curve
Do People Comment You On Your Scent:: yea at work all the time
What Soap Do You Use:: the one in the shower
Like Thunderstorms:: kinda
If You Could Live Forever Would You:: no...that would be boring
Say Bye:: I'm out like a boner is sweatpants
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What does your birth month reveal about you?
Active and dynamic. Decisive and haste but tends to regret.Attractive and affectionate to oneself. Strong mentality. Loves attention. Diplomatic. Consoling, friendly and solves people's problems. Brave and fearless. Adventurous. Loving and caring. Suave and generous. Emotional. Aggressive. Hasty. Good memory. Moving Motivates oneself and others. Sickness usually of the head and chest. Sexy in a way that only their luver can see.
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My Interests

Playing soccer and hanging out with friends and having a good time!!

The Tooth Puller
People Iced: Twenty Five
Car Bombs Planted: Six
Favorite Weapon Rusty Chain
Arms Broken: Seven
Eyes Gouged: Eleven
Tongues Cut Off: None. Pathetic.
Biggest Enemy: Dry Duck
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Your Ideal Relationship is Serious Dating
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But you may be ready in a couple of years.
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And while chemistry is important, so is compatibility. What's Your Ideal Relationship?


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You Are Corona
You don't drink for the love of beer. You drink to get drunk.
You prefer a very light, very smooth beer. A beer that's hardly a beer at all.
And while you make not like the taste of beer, you like the feeling of being drunk.
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You scored as Soccer. You should play soccer- you'll have to run some, but its worth it if you get to shoot a goal. Soccer requires teamwork and endurance.











Field hockey










Ice Hockey





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You are a happy drunk

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