Take the quiz:
Which Bacardi are you?
151 is for those who are fucking party animals and don't know when they've had too much.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!HalloweenNN WeekEnd!
Meeting Pablo Francisco..At the Show!Sambo's new hairBrianne you loserAxis RadiusBri and IMe and my boyfriendFriday night at brooks!Celene what r u doing?Se Gucci?Shopping with Baili at Target..
At oregenos!Uv Grape, Belvedere, GreyGoose Orange, Chopin, Patron Citrus, Alize, Kettle One and Patron Silver.. All unopened for this weekend!80's Night!Brittnie and IDont ask!The Tortillas!A bunch of Fags!Eva I took your boy!No drinking and Driving!Kyle left me for Cali!Halo at its finest!Matt is gay....REid going to mexicoWait! Move the beans.. Move the Rice.. Its maria!A bunch of Vato's!My lil sister!Brianna playing footballOutside thinking I'm cool.Kellie in ArizonaStealing Cups at Applebees..
Pablo Francisco.. Jesse McCartney.. Peru's dad.. Luis's Mom.. and a bunch of tortillas in Guadalupa!
A for sure must see movie!