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Glory Ellen

I am here for Friends

About Me

"Blurbs" is a weird word. I don't like it.
I'm pretty goofy. I will sing until my lips fall off. I get all mushy and stupid when I see dogs. I want a big goofy, slobbery one.
I love driving cars that don't belong to me. I have a major addiction to shrimp cocktail . Red swedish fish are the best.


My Interests

Music is the best thing ever. I love going to shows. I'd rather do that than almost anything else. And I love singing. I sing all day long. Sometimes it sounds bad, but I don't care. :)

I'd like to meet:

"You! One of a kind. Rarest of the rare. A priceless treasure, possessed of qualities in mind and speech and movement and appearance and actions as no other who has ever lived, lives, or shall live. Why have you valued yourself in pennies when you are worth a king's ransom? Why did you listen to those who demeaned you ... and far worse, why did you believe them?"
~Og Mandino

Lovely People

The Boy

Princess Lambslee


King-Sized Kelley

My Brother Jake

My Brother Dan

My Brother Joel

My Sister Kelly

My Sister Katie

Mrs. Emmons!

Shannon The Beautiful

David Seth Clark



Miss Amy Keene

Tiny Dancer

Banana Nana Fo Fachael


Minus Vince

The M.V.W.A.

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Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, BLINDSIDE, Bob Marley,Chevelle, Coldplay, DAMIEN RICE, DAVE MATTHEWS BAND , The Decemberists, Deftones, Elliott Smith, Etta James, Everclear, FINCH , Fiona Apple, Five Iron Frenzy, Foo Fighters, Frank Sinatra, Frou Frou, The Fugees, G. Love & Special Sauce, Guster, Imogen Heap, INCUBUS, Iron and Wine, Issue Ten, JACK JOHNSON, Jars of Clay, The Jim Yoshii Pile-up, JIMMY EAT WORLD, John Mayer, Josh Groban, The Juliana Theory, KANYE WEST, Lauryn Hill, Led Zeppelin, MAD CADDIES , Madeleine Peyroux, Maroon 5, The Mars Volta, Marvin Gaye, MATISYAHU , Mat Kearney, Minus the Bear, MINUS VINCE , Mr. Byrnes, Neutral Milk Hotel, NICKEL CREEK , Norah Jones, NORMAL LIKE YOU , O.A.R., Of the Seven, Otis Redding, Panic! At the Disco, Pax 217, Peter Gabriel, The Police, THE POSTAL SERVICE, Project 86, Radiohead, RX BANDITS ,Sarah McLachlan, SAY ANYTHING , SIGUR ROS, Squirrel Nut Zippers, Sting, STRATA, Sublime, Switchfoot, System of a Down, TAKING BACK SUNDAY, TORI AMOS, Tyrone Wells, Weezer

I have a lot more music scattered around. Lately I've been listening to a lot of ska, and it's been putting me in such a good mood!


Go buy "Crash" on DVD. Do it.
Well, let's see... I'll watch pretty much anything, but I don't like Kevin Bacon. For some reason I just can't stand the guy. I'll still watch movies with him in them, but I think he's the creep from the deep. (He is in so many movies!) I am such a huge movie nerd. I don't feel like naming them all... I don't even think I could.

I like movies with pirates in them.

And I can't help but love The Notebook...


I like watching TV on DVD. Arrested Development is my favorite. I'm almost finished with Season 3 and it is getting more and more ridiculous. Lost is also quite addicting. They need to stop beating up Sawyer.


I go to Border's just to hang out and read. So, right now I'm reading "Love in the Time of Cholera" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. So far, so good. He's a brilliant writer.

I'm a huge Kurt Vonnegut fan. I love dry, satirical humor. But I also love the girly stuff like Jane Austen, Nicholas Sparks, Francine Rivers, Karen Kingsbury, etc.

I walked into Quizno's a while ago with my book in one hand and my wallet in the other. The girl behind the counter asked me if I was a student and I said "No, I just like to read." She was so amazed that I was reading for pleasure. It made me sad...


Passionate people who stand up for what they believe in, who speak for people who can't speak for themselves.

My Blog


Ok, so I know I'm loved... for the most part.  But sometimes I think there is definitely something wrong with me.  Ok, a lot of things are wrong with me, but one thing I can't seem to get ov...
Posted by Glory on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 09:38:00 PST


I need a chill pill.
Posted by Glory on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 07:41:00 PST

Truth and Beauty

A friend of mine has been having a hard time lately, his car was broken into, etc.  He posted a blog about it, and this was one of the comments left by his friend, Dave.  Someone I don't eve...
Posted by Glory on Tue, 30 May 2006 03:46:00 PST

Orange Tulips and Apple Strudels

I am sitting at my desk, gazing at the most beautiful bouquet of orange tulips.  Simply breathtaking.  It's Thursday, apple strudel day.  (Every Thursday, Dennis brings in strudels for ...
Posted by Glory on Thu, 16 Feb 2006 09:13:00 PST

My left ear smells like coffee

I accidentally dropped my left ear piece (from my ipod headphones) into my coffee.  And yes, I'm still using it. 
Posted by Glory on Thu, 29 Dec 2005 12:57:00 PST


I like it raw.  It kinda makes my mouth and throat numb.  I don't know why.  Does celery have that effect on anyone else? 
Posted by Glory on Fri, 16 Dec 2005 02:27:00 PST


Swedish fish....  but only the red ones. 
Posted by Glory on Tue, 08 Nov 2005 10:27:00 PST

I've learned (revised)

One of my teachers in high school gave this to me.  I was contemplating a few issues in my life and it came to mind, so I decided to share.  It's a little long, but a good read.   ...
Posted by Glory on Mon, 07 Nov 2005 12:35:00 PST


This display of beauty is one of the only things that really gets my heart pounding and brings an instant smile to my face.  How can I explain the way I feel when I hear an amazing song?&nbs...
Posted by Glory on Mon, 31 Oct 2005 03:31:00 PST

For my friends

So, I got to thinking and realized I haven't posted anything written by yours truly in quite a while.    So, here goes... While I might not have anything profound to say, at least recog...
Posted by Glory on Mon, 24 Oct 2005 10:12:00 PST