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IMm@ d0 m3 r4g@rdl3$$!!! u l1k3 1+ 0r n0+!! d3al wi+ it...

About Me

..*..~Long survey*..~ with good unique questions NOT boring.!
Name:: sharon
age:: 18
date of birth:: 12/06/1988
your hometown:: philly philly it is were i am from
do u still live there:: no
If not were do you live now:: corny azz pottstown
room your currently in:: living room
anybody in there with you:: my mom
Hair color:: brown/blonde
Ever dyed it:: yea
Height:: 5'2
Shoe size:: 5 1/2
Pants size(u dont have to answer): lol yea i dnt
piercings:: 2
tatoos:: 4
birthmarks:: on my leg
freckles:: no
scars:: no
eye color:: light brown
lips(full,thin):: full
hair length:: to my shoulders
hair style:: wrap
skin color:: carmel
:.This Or That:.
Coke or pepsi:: pepsi
Sprite or mountain dew:: sprite
Orange soda or grape:: orange soda
boy or girl:: boy
friends or family:: fam!
fat or skinny:: niether
on or off:: on
in love or not:: not
cute or hot:: hot
blankets or pillows:: both
hanging out with a boy you like or friends:: a boy i like
eating or drinking:: both
loving or hating:: loving
forgiving or staying mad:: forgiving
death or life:: depends
summer or spring:: summer
ocean or lake:: lake
walking or running:: walking
nice or mean:: nice! but dnt push it
personality or looks:: both
preps or jocks:: none
blondes or brunettes:: none
computer or tv:: computer
pink or red:: red
pink or black:: black
football or baseball:: football
Mom or dad:: mom
being single or taken:: single! and lovin it
:.Have you Ever:.
Snuck Out:: no
Kissed someone of the same sex:: yea my mom and sisters
Slept in a bed with someone of the same sex:: yea my sisters
Hurt some one:: yea
Lost a bestfriend:: no!
Got into a fist fight:: yea
Had someone close to you die:: yea
Had sex:: no! im a virgin
Not eaten for a hole day:: plz i cant do dat lol
cryed yourself to sleep:: yea
Cut yourself:: no
Liked someone you could never have:: no
Laughed so hard your stomach hurt:: yea all da time
Laughed so hard you cried:: yea
Laughed at something that happend the day before:: yea
Talked to yourself:: lol yea
Caught something on fire:: yea! im a fire bug
Killed and animal or insect:: yea and insect
A person:: no
Done something rlly bad and nobody no's: no
laughed at someone with a disability:: no
Been to mcdonalds:: yes
cryed because you were so happy:: no
Tooken a survey:: yes
:.Your perfect guy/girl:.
Height:: 6'0
weight:: not fat
Hair color:: doesnt matter
Style:: fresh 2 def
Skin color:: doesnt matter
Eye color:: brown or hazel
Nice:: yes
Funny:: yes
Good or bad:: good
Loud or quiet:: both
Religon:: christian
Shy or outgoing:: outgoing
Nerdy or punk:: punk! rockstar
Preppy or Goth:: preppy
Gangster or preppy:: gangster
Gangster or goth:: gangster
Gangster or emo:: gangster
Punk or preppy:: none
sweet or dirty:: sweet
listen to what you have to say or ignore you:: listen 2 wat i have 2 say
Have dimples:: dey can but it dnt matter
Kiss you often:: yea
Hug you often:: yea
Have sex with you:: lol...
love you for you:: yes of course
Bad personality good looks or good personality bad looks:: good personailty wit bad looks!lol
::.Random questions::.
What song are you listening to:: nothing
Who were you last hangingout with:: my mom
Who's house were you last at:: my cuzin zelma
What was the last thing that made you mad:: wen dis boi tried 2 play me im still mad
Who do you hate right now:: dis boy name deveron
why:: cuz hes a lier
Do you sleep with stuffed animals:: no
Which ones if you do:: none
What makes you the most happy:: my fam
What kind of music do you like:: rap, r&b, hip hop
Is life confusing to you right now:: yea
What do you want to do right now:: sing
What time is it:: 510
Are you:
Tierd:: no
Thirsty: yea
Sad:: no
Boerd:: hell yea
confused:: nope
Mad at something/someone:: yea
Pretty:: lol yea
Nice:: yea but dnt push it
Shy:: yea
Short:: yea
Smart:: yea
Slow: no
Blonde or act like one:: no
illiterate:: hell no
A person who thinks ppl dont need labels:: no
too bad.. hah are you nerdy:: no
emo:: no
preppy:: a liittle wen i want 2 b
gangster:: lol!!!!
ghetto:: 2 ghetto!lol
Jock:: no
Punk:: fuckin rockstar
Rocker: like i said fuccin rockstar
Outcast:: no
weirdo:: sometimes
loser:: hell no
Nice:: yea
Bitchy:: lol yes
Last questions:.
Friends: yes
do u have alot: yes
1 bestfriend: no i have many
whos your oldest friends: my nigga jen jen
whos your youngest friend: shana
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Bzoink - The Original Survey Site ..END BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODEhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYd8QbBDDAs

My Interests

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CQ57UWUKb0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IU8I1nFDMr0

I'd like to meet:

FUNNIEST: shana and jen jen
PRETTIEST: all of us
LONGEST HAIR: julia and shana and jen jen
BEST DRESSED: neash and me
WEIRDEST: jen jen/ neash
MOST OUTGOING: neash and jen jen
TALLEST: neash
SHORTEST: jen jen
CRY DA MOST: i dnt knoe
LAUGH DA MOST: me and shana
BEST DANCER: me of course
WORST SINGER: neash and aji
GOT DA MOST HOES: ajie and julia
SHYEST: sometime me
GHETTO: me/ ajie/ neash and jen jen
LOUDEST: neash
WENT THOUGH DA MOST WIT: ajie and neash
KNOWN DA LONGEST: ajie and neash( my czin and sister)
MOST POPULAR: all of us
KNOWS DA MOST: all of dem
TELL YA DEEPEST SECRETS: neash and jen jen
CALL IN TIME OF NEED: all of dem
NEVER BITES THEIR TOUNGE: ajie neash and jen jen
DA REALEST: jen jen neash ajie, shana and me
CALMEST: me and shana
ROWDIEST: neash, ajie and jen jen
MOST SHOES: me , neash, jen jen
READY 2 RIDE: all of dem
THINK THEY DA SHIT: julia...lol i dnt know y
GETS IN THE MOST TROUBLE: ajie of course




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