...i WaNt Me A tHuG...lol!!! profile picture

...i WaNt Me A tHuG...lol!!!

say what you mean and mean what you say...people that mind dont matter and people that matter dont m

About Me

Well 4 those who want to know me my name is Christina Moe...I am the youngest of 9 beautiful children...I live in East Palo Alto...yes sir...I'm Samoan...I love moonlight walks on the beach...lol...no really...ne ways im chill person n no drama...and maybe if u guys or gals r lucky u can hea mo...yea right thats all yall need 2 kno...lol...well enjoy!!! Myspace Graphics
Myspace Layouts

My Interests

home security...eatin...sleepin...da best...

Who's Your Hollywood Soul Mate? (pics)

Channing Tatum
Your Hollywood soul mate is Channing Tatum. He's a former model, an athlete and an actor... talk about a triple threat! The All-American guy, like Channing, is generally perfect boyfriend material. Just one thing to consider: he usually has tons of interests-Can he make you a priority?
Take The Quiz Now! Quizzes by myYearbook.com

I'd like to meet:

heavenly father...my dad's parents R.I.P...all my other family i havn't met yet...


Music Video: LOST WITHOUT YOU (by Robin Thicke)

Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone


nacho libre...notebook...apocolypto...shes the man...eeeh everything...


csi...vh1...mtv...disney...bet...more 2 come...


Scriptures...read em everyday...


heavenly father n our savior jesus christ...my parents...family...