Chris profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I just moved to Bloomington Normal IL from CA. You ask why? CA is too damn expensive,too superficial,too crowded, and its gonna be under water in the near future. Chose Illinois because my mom step dad and sister live here. Plus I have great friends out here as well. I need to also get on with my life. My life was not progressing in CA. I need a change. Dont get me wrong I have great friends in CA as well. Sometimes sacrafices have to be made. Im currently working part time at applebees in town as well as a call center in town. Look foward to meeting fun people in the Mclean County Area.
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My Interests

I like working out, playing sports, watching wwe and ufc. Basically being out and about enjoy life and having fun. I also enjoy hitting the bars and dancing.

I'd like to meet:



I used to be big into rap and hip hop. Over the past 3 years I have adapted to like all kinds of music. Now my fav has to be classic rock. As well as various artists or different music. Fav metal band Metallica, and fav rapper 2 pac baby. I cant name everything or this will never end.


Ok Im a major comedy movie buff. All time fav movies include: Fear and Lothing in Las Vegas,American History X,300,Fight Club,Harsh Times,Goonies,All Chris Farley Movies RIP,all John Candy Movies RIP, all Happy Madison Movies especially Grandmas Boy ,Training Day,Waiting,The Rocky Trilogy,Rambo Trilogy,Star Wars Trilogy,Friday the 13th Trilogy. Had to throw some horror in there Scary Movies yah. Oh yeah which brings me to Scary Movie 1 and 2. Funny as hell. The 3rd and 4th sucked ass. Who can forget Texas Chainsaw Massacre Movies. Im done I could go forever.


UFC,WWE,NFL Need I say more. I like some sitcoms as well. I


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