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I am here for Friends

About Me

I like music very much, life without music is boring for me, I love to make new discovery.

The newest discoveries come from the podcast of Jerome Colin you can find this podcast when you click this button

On this pocast you cand find wonderful acoustic session.

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

don't know, probably the Creator, if he exists, to know why there is so much pain in the world.

when you think about it, Catholicism is very strange. God create the Man to his image, he make a mistake - God can also make error. He punish the Man and never forgive.

one of the most important things is forgiveness in the catholic religion. There is a mistake somewhere!!!

My Blog

Autres blog

et bien voilà, j'ai ouvert un autre blog sur la musique et sur l'intelligence artificielle, je ne sais pas encore si je vais laisser tomber ce blog ci car j'écrivais plus en anglais ici alors que mon ...
Posted by on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 11:50:00 GMT

Belgium united

Here is the message from Joshua for a united Belgium. In Belgium at this time we've got some political trouble. Politics doesn't find an agreement between North and South. Belgian community ...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 18:38:00 GMT


Hello,today I post an article about Miele, a belgian group .They are probablys one of the most underestimated group in Belgium and I really didn't understand why, this group is absolutly amazing parti...
Posted by on Thu, 17 May 2007 06:29:00 GMT

The Kazoo Funk Orchestra

Dear all,I will absolute present you the best group I've discovered until today on My Space:The Kazoo Funk Orchestra, you can find their page on music is quite...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 16:00:00 GMT

Mes Souliers Sont Rouges

Ce soir c'était la fermeture de Euritmix, je me suis permi de faire une pause dans mon étude pour aller voir Mes Souliers Sont Rouges sur la grand places de Bruxelles, je les avais déjà vu à Nandrin e...
Posted by on Sun, 20 Aug 2006 16:12:00 GMT