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Cool Slideshows
http://www.myheritage.comTHE BASICS
Name: Ashley
Birthdate: 06/14/84
Birthplace: Pittsburgh, PA!
Current Location: my room
Eye Color: light brown
Hair Color: natural? i like to call it mouse, cuz it's ugly and it resembles the color of a mouse... but what you see is blonde.
Height: " 5'3"
Weight: 115
Piercings: ears, bellybutton, and real jobs don't like nose rings so i had to take that one out for good.
Tatoos: none
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: waiting patiently...
Overused Phraze: oh god, there's so many.
Food: filets, salad, taco bell, fish, bagels
Candy: not a big sweets person, but i guess hersey kisses or twix
Number: 7
Color: purple and orange... but green looks best on me.
Animal: crocodile... but i can never have one, so i'll go with a dog.
Drink: starbucks coffee, diet a&w rootbeer, diet cherry coke, yellow gatorade or gram's iced tea... sorry, i LOVE drinks.
Alcohol Drink: miller lite
Bagel: any kind... with plain cream cheese.
Letter: B for my last name...
Body Feature on Opposite sex: hair... then i guess face... a rockin bod is great, but not everything... i'd rather be treated well than date the hottest asshole around.
Pepsi or Coke: coke for sure
McDonalds or BurgerKing: mcdonald's... it's a drunken college thing.
Strawberry or Watermelon: watermelon
Hot tea or Ice tea: oh shit... i dunno... they're both so good... i guess iced tea... and whoever made this, it's ICED not ICE TEA
Chocolate or Vanilla: ehh... either.
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: coffee for sure
Kiss or Hug: depends... can i have both? if not, then kiss.
Dog or Cat: dog
Rap or Punk: rap. boo to punk.
Summer or Winter: AHH!! both... prolly winter cuz it's steelers season... but prolly summer cuz i'm tan... ok, winter wins.
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: nothing like a good laugh
Love or Money: love for sure
Bedtime: weeknights... 10-11. weekends... whenever i stop drinking.
Most humorous Memory: omg, how can i pick? i guess when my uncle put my clothes on at my cousin's wedding cuz he was so drunk he thought they were his. Or when Kik was so drunk she thought i took a picture of her, but i just made a noise like i did.
Best phyiscal feature: legs
First Thought Waking Up: "ughhhhh... i'm so effing tired. and it's freezing. where's the snooze button?"
Goal for this year: to apply to grad school...
Weakness: procrastination
Fears: not furthering my career or education... and not finding that person and having a family someday.
Heritage: irish, german, and POLISH!!!!
Ever Drank: duh
Ever Smoked: i did for 4 years...
Pot: one time and it sucked.
Ever been Drunk: hahaha
Ever been beaten up: nope
Ever beaten someone up: attempted. don't know that you'd really call it beating someone up though.
Ever Shoplifted: never
Ever Skinny Dipped: a few times
Ever Kissed someone of same sex: yeah
Been Dumped Lately: well, is may lately? cuz that was the last time. it sucked.
Favorite Eye Color: no preference
Favorite Hair Color: hmm i tend to like blondes...
Short or Long: short.. like the clean cut look... no long or shaggy.
Height: taller than me... and more than just a few inches. 6'3" is perfect
Style: preppy/professional/athletic
Looks or Personality: personality is soo attractive
Hott or Cute: cute... hot fades, and hot usually equals assholes...
Drugs and Alcohol: alcohol. drugs are gross.
Number of Regrets in the Past: i wish i could say that cheesy thing about life being too short and that i never have regrets... but i do. i have several.
What country do you want to Visit: australia... even though i've already been there.
How do you want to Die: eww who thinks about this?
Been to the Mall Lately: yeah. and it was a bad thing cuz there's these new coach tennis shoes that i want, and i probably shouldn't buy, but i probably will.
Do you like Thunderstorms: LOVE THEM. love sitting on my porch during them.
Get along with your Parents: most of the time
Health Freak: no, but i go through cycles...
Do you think your Attractive: yeah... it runs in the fam. haha
Believe in Yourself: with certain things, yes. with other things, no... especially when it comes to my potential in graduate school and love.
Want to go to College: been there, done that. need to go back though...
Shower Daily: yes
Been in Love: yes
Do you Sing: all the time. love singing.
Want to get Married: definitely
Do you want Children: more than anything
Have your future kids names planned out: i did...
Hate anyone: hate is a very strong word... no, i don't.
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