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About Me

Cool SlideshowsSNL-Paul Giamatti-Caitlin

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I hate being cold. My feet are always freezing, which means the rest of me will be freezing sooner than later. I love sleeping, although my two jobs don't allow me to get much of it. My friends and family are my life. I have a brother Brady who is the craziest person I know... he never ceazes to amaze me. He's my biggest critic, but my biggest fan.
Project Runway is an addiction. I feel like I know the designers. Andre from Season 2 is my favorite. Starbucks is a necessity, I don't care what anyone says. There's nothing like a grande Mocha Frap with an add shot, no whip, to start your morning or for a pick-me up.
I have a lot of pet-peevs, most of which revolve around dining and eating out since I've worked in a restaurant for 7 years. They are: when two people sit on the same side of a booth and there's only two people at the table - it's never okay, so don't do it. Leaving less than 5$ for a tip. I don't care how much your bill was, it's just tacky. Calling me "Ash" and I just met you. My friends, family and loved ones are allowed, but you are not. And, When people wear clothes that are too small for them. Enough with the pet peevs.
I've been in love, and it is the greatest feeling ever. I recommend taking a chance at love if you have it... love doesn't come without risk or hard work. I hate regrets, but I have many of them. I used to be a brat. I learned some pretty hard lessons, pretty early in life, so I have a good head on my shoulders now. My parents are divorced which is why I refuse to be. I love children and want them someday.My two best friends and roommates from college are soooo much like me it's scary. You think the term soul mate refers to a significant other, but if I didn't know any better... I'd swear they were mine. I daydream, a lot. I think about my future... possibilities... and what could have been. But one thing I've learned is that everything happens for a reason, and you'll never end up where you're not supposed to be. I taught my mom how to play Asshole and Flip cup. Steelers football is my life. If you ain't a Steelers fan, you ain't shit. I've had season tickets since I can remember and there's nothing like looking out into a sea of black and gold while tailgating at Heinz Field. Just when you think life can't get any worse... and you're searching for love in all the wrong places... you find someone... no, not a boyfriend... but a best friend, and my new roommate who I'm so thankful for - Jackie who was put into my life for a reason, and she is fabulous. We have the cutest house ever and it's super cozy. Let me tell you, the bitch can sing. And she's like the best mom ever and she's only 24. Moving on, I love Country Music and Rap. My friends and I like to talk about our weddings and plan them out like geeks. Purple and Orange are the best colors ever. People say the drinking and partying needs to end after college, but actually it increases. You have more to drink to because you finally realize that the real world sucks, and no one left you the memo. My family's biggest holiday is the 4th of July, and if you've ever been to one of our parties, you know why. I gave my best friend the nickname Heav in 8th grade French class. It stands for heaving bosoms. I like to think I'm smart and going to graduate school in a year or two. Anyone who says alcohol kills brain cells is wrong. If you'd like to take it up with the smartest professor alive, Dr. Roy, I'd love to give you his contact information. F.R.I.E.N.D.S. is an obsession, and I can pretty much recite lines from every episode. The One Where No One's Ready is my favorite episode (Season 3).If I could be any celebrity, I would be Sheryl Crow. I love the beach. A lot of people say I psychoanalyze them, and my mom says I need to stop my psychobabble. I'm trying. Getting tan is something I take very seriously. Country concerts are my favorite summer activity, especially Rascal Flatts. I hate dangerous things and I'm not impulsive. I like to plan in advance and know exactly what I'm doing. This might sound weird, but I'm organized and messy. I take work seriously, and hate doing things half-assed. People who are motivated intrigue me. I have various nicknames, but the most popular ones are B and Bello. *NSync and Lance Bass will forever hold a place in my heart. I love the word fabulous. I am constantly reading celeb gossip, but I hate to read just about anything else. If it's a really good book that is relevant to my life... I could be talked into it, but you'd have to be pretty damn convincing. There's nothing like a good comedy, especially if Will Ferrell or Chris Farley is in it.I love singing, and some claim I'm good at it. Dancing is fun too. SNL is something I would love to be on, but I'm not confident enough to ever do anything about it. I love fashion, and used to study it... but then I realized I couldn't draw. I work with autistic children and love it. I'm starting to realize that working with special needs children may be my calling and a passion I never knew about. I hate clear pop. Outback Steakhouse is my favorite restaurant. Lisa Jones is one fabulous, sexy bitch. When I'm alone in my room, I like to have concerts with myself in front of my mirror. I used to think I wasn't a romantic, but the older I get, the more I think I am. If you don't like my family, then I don't like you.There is nothing better than hearing an old song on the radio that takes you back to a great memory. I like to surround myself with people who make me laugh. When people ask me what I want to be when I grow up, I tell them what the Bobs do in Office Space. It's the easiest way to describe IO Psych.I am totally my daddy's girl, and I wish I saw him more. I cried during the last episode of Dawson's Creek. I've been told I have really nice feet, and was almost a foot model. I love doing improv comedy sketches. Knock-off jewelry and purses rock, but Tiffany's is the ultimate best gift ever. Keeping in touch with old friends is imperitive, but making new ones is amazing. I hate flying. Road trips are way better.Energy drinks make me sick. Too much sugar. If Express was my closet, this would be a perfect world. I cry A LOT. Ask my friends. I'm also loud. I've been called Loudy Louderson by a close source. Beer is my drink of choice. I love Miller Lite, and proudly, Busch Light. I always have a good time when I'm with my friends. I have a strong faith and know how much I've been blessed. If I could do college all over again, I would... A little differently, but with ALL the same people.If you want to give me a high paying job, I'll take it. Old pervert men gross me out. So do tomatoes, fish and butterflies. I'm a very loyal person to those who are loyal to me, and I'll do anything for the ones I love. I hate liars, and I'm quite niave. I'm pretty open minded and like to try new things. I'd like to start skiing and golfing. I need to live in a place that has all 4 seasons, because I love snow and summer equally. Lastly, I love to talk, can you tell?
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http://www.myheritage.comTHE BASICS

Name: Ashley
Birthdate: 06/14/84
Birthplace: Pittsburgh, PA!
Current Location: my room
Eye Color: light brown
Hair Color: natural? i like to call it mouse, cuz it's ugly and it resembles the color of a mouse... but what you see is blonde.
Height: " 5'3"
Weight: 115
Piercings: ears, bellybutton, and real jobs don't like nose rings so i had to take that one out for good.
Tatoos: none
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: waiting patiently...
Overused Phraze: oh god, there's so many.


Food: filets, salad, taco bell, fish, bagels
Candy: not a big sweets person, but i guess hersey kisses or twix
Number: 7
Color: purple and orange... but green looks best on me.
Animal: crocodile... but i can never have one, so i'll go with a dog.
Drink: starbucks coffee, diet a&w rootbeer, diet cherry coke, yellow gatorade or gram's iced tea... sorry, i LOVE drinks.
Alcohol Drink: miller lite
Bagel: any kind... with plain cream cheese.
Letter: B for my last name...
Body Feature on Opposite sex: hair... then i guess face... a rockin bod is great, but not everything... i'd rather be treated well than date the hottest asshole around.


Pepsi or Coke: coke for sure
McDonalds or BurgerKing: mcdonald's... it's a drunken college thing.
Strawberry or Watermelon: watermelon
Hot tea or Ice tea: oh shit... i dunno... they're both so good... i guess iced tea... and whoever made this, it's ICED not ICE TEA
Chocolate or Vanilla: ehh... either.
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: coffee for sure
Kiss or Hug: depends... can i have both? if not, then kiss.
Dog or Cat: dog
Rap or Punk: rap. boo to punk.
Summer or Winter: AHH!! both... prolly winter cuz it's steelers season... but prolly summer cuz i'm tan... ok, winter wins.
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: nothing like a good laugh
Love or Money: love for sure


Bedtime: weeknights... 10-11. weekends... whenever i stop drinking.
Most humorous Memory: omg, how can i pick? i guess when my uncle put my clothes on at my cousin's wedding cuz he was so drunk he thought they were his. Or when Kik was so drunk she thought i took a picture of her, but i just made a noise like i did.
Best phyiscal feature: legs
First Thought Waking Up: "ughhhhh... i'm so effing tired. and it's freezing. where's the snooze button?"
Goal for this year: to apply to grad school...
Weakness: procrastination
Fears: not furthering my career or education... and not finding that person and having a family someday.
Heritage: irish, german, and POLISH!!!!


Ever Drank: duh
Ever Smoked: i did for 4 years...
Pot: one time and it sucked.
Ever been Drunk: hahaha
Ever been beaten up: nope
Ever beaten someone up: attempted. don't know that you'd really call it beating someone up though.
Ever Shoplifted: never
Ever Skinny Dipped: a few times
Ever Kissed someone of same sex: yeah
Been Dumped Lately: well, is may lately? cuz that was the last time. it sucked.


Favorite Eye Color: no preference
Favorite Hair Color: hmm i tend to like blondes...
Short or Long: short.. like the clean cut look... no long or shaggy.
Height: taller than me... and more than just a few inches. 6'3" is perfect
Style: preppy/professional/athletic
Looks or Personality: personality is soo attractive
Hott or Cute: cute... hot fades, and hot usually equals assholes...
Drugs and Alcohol: alcohol. drugs are gross.


Number of Regrets in the Past: i wish i could say that cheesy thing about life being too short and that i never have regrets... but i do. i have several.
What country do you want to Visit: australia... even though i've already been there.
How do you want to Die: eww who thinks about this?
Been to the Mall Lately: yeah. and it was a bad thing cuz there's these new coach tennis shoes that i want, and i probably shouldn't buy, but i probably will.
Do you like Thunderstorms: LOVE THEM. love sitting on my porch during them.
Get along with your Parents: most of the time
Health Freak: no, but i go through cycles...
Do you think your Attractive: yeah... it runs in the fam. haha
Believe in Yourself: with certain things, yes. with other things, no... especially when it comes to my potential in graduate school and love.
Want to go to College: been there, done that. need to go back though...
Shower Daily: yes
Been in Love: yes
Do you Sing: all the time. love singing.
Want to get Married: definitely
Do you want Children: more than anything
Have your future kids names planned out: i did...
Hate anyone: hate is a very strong word... no, i don't.


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