The Space Kittens profile picture

The Space Kittens

About Me

Did a lot of gigs around Glasgow mostly but also made it to London, Edinburgh, Manchester,Dundee, Chelmsford, Southampton,Oban, I'm sure there are others buts its all a bit hazy We also did a split single with Skinky It was called Felix. Did a Nana Record called "i hate you" also a club beatroot with trout it was"Pussy Mchine" and we were on the sleazy compilation "Into the Kiltmakers" our song was called"Did she ask you nicely?" Myself (Shona) and Penny have been trying to put all our songs together and we will try and put an album together, Don't hold your breathe though.....

My Interests


Member Since: 26/06/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: the oringinal line up in 1991 was Mad on Drums, Penny on Bass, Shona on Guitar and Alison on Vocals....
Influences: Iggy Pop, Nirvana and Jimmy Hendrix to begin with
Sounds Like:
Record Label: F & J put a single or two out for us

My Blog

In the Beginning

Well once upon a time Penny and Shona were playing with a Casio SK-1 in Shona's Bedroom. Doing the usual stuff like getting the keyboard to swear a tune, then burping etc. It was most fun. So we inves...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 11:50:00 GMT