Rebe profile picture


We're too young to realize certain things are impossible. Which is why we will do them anyway. ~Will

About Me

♥My names is Rebekah...ReBe...Bekah...Becky... sooo I have lots of names, I'm just that cool :) I'm 24 years old, but everyone thinks I'm 18... which means when I get old I'll be happy young looking old lady... heck yes!♥I greatly dislike the average. I would rather do something extrordinary, and suffer quite a bit, then live just a normal little life, with a normal little job and 2.5 kids. So thats why at this time I'm working my butt off, so I can get out of debt and do what God called me to do, which is to be a missionary in Asia.♥I also go to this pretty amazing place called Celebration Covenant Church... I practically live there. Then on Sunday nights I get to be a part of an amazing Media team for XCEL! Go to to see how freakin awesome xcel is!♥<a

My Interests

I'm passionate about 1. JESUS :) 2. World Missions!

I'd like to meet:


Feist ♥ Ingrid Michaelson ♥ Band of Horses ♥ Mute Math♥ Switchfoot♥ Norah Jones♥ Coldplay♥ Falling Up♥ Flyleaf♥ Anberlin♥ Thousand Foot Krutch♥ Mae♥ Kutless♥ Rick Pino♥ Hillsong United♥ Lisa Gerrard♥ David Crowder Band♥ Obed Edom♥ Uncommon♥ Tegan and Sara♥ Modest Mouse♥ Misty Edwards♥ Jason Upton♥ Death cab for cutie♥ mewithoutYou♥ Beirut♥ Amy Robina♥ Sufjan Stevens♥ Deas Vail ♥ Regina Spektor ♥ Katie Melua♥ The Weepies♥ Tr'Ace♥ Whitney Craft♥ Clay Jones♥ The Almost♥ Radiohead♥ Moby♥ Sigur Ros♥ 24 Band♥ The honey trees♥


Pride and Prejudice♥ Inn of the sixth Happiness♥ Waking Ned Devine♥ Laura♥ Count of Monte Cristo♥ Napoleon Dynamite♥ Nine to Five♥ Batman Begins♥ Ronin♥ Legally Blonde♥ Swiss Family Robinson♥ The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe♥ Nacho Libre♥ The Village ♥ Signs♥ The 300♥ Hot Fuzz♥ Once♥ Prince Caspian♥ The Birds♥


Health Channel ♥ Lost ♥ Biggest Loser ♥ The Office ♥


The Bible♥ Walking the Walk in a Real World♥ Pride and Prejudice♥ Jane Eyre♥♥CHRONICLES OF NARNIA BOOKS♥ The Magicians Nephew ♥ The Lion,the Witch and the Wardrobe ♥The Horse and His Boy ♥Prince Caspian ♥ Voyage of Dawn Treader ♥ The Silver Chair ♥ The Last Battle ♥


My Dad♥

My Blog

The travel bug....

Do you ever have moments when you just want to travel, go see all that this beautiful world has! Green mountains in Iceland, the villages on the hills in Greece, the Castles of Europe, the Great Wall ...
Posted by Rebe on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 12:15:00 PST

The next 10 days have such possibilities...

Yesterday I was feeling rather low, my entire summer has been packed with fun and excitement. I was busy with something every single day and was hardly ever at home. Then all of a sudden I realized su...
Posted by Rebe on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 06:53:00 PST

The process of becoming

I've decided today to start setting goals, and work towards them each and every day. Tonight I was at Clarity (Bible Study) and that was the topic (well time management was the main topic, which also ...
Posted by Rebe on Fri, 23 May 2008 10:30:00 PST


This weekend I realized how much your attitude really does affect things. I had the most fantastic weekend, not because circumstances were great, honestly if I went by how my weekend was going it...
Posted by Rebe on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 03:52:00 PST

There is a new Becky

It's so funny how different you can be from one year to the next, or even one month to the next. Last year I was going to church like once a month if I was lucky, I couldn't find time to do anything o...
Posted by Rebe on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 04:15:00 PST

My Dad and our Missionary Travels.....

I just want to take this moment to talk about one of the greatest people in the world, My Dad. I'm not just saying my Dads the greatest cause he's my Dad, but because he truly is a great man of God. ...
Posted by Rebe on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 02:04:00 PST


I love the sunrise... I rarely get to see it. For the last couple days I've been trying to get myself up early enough to go watch the sun come up, and today was the first time I was able to drag my la...
Posted by Rebe on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 06:38:00 PST

A place called beautiful...

Theres this place so lovely, so peaceful, music is softly playing and the sun shines so brightly. You can feel the warmth around you and inside you. Everything is so alive, and you feel alive. Theres ...
Posted by Rebe on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 09:42:00 PST


So most of you know that I'm back in Dallas now, but for those of you who haven't visited my page in a while, this is for you. I decided back in the beginning of January to move back to Dallas, I just...
Posted by Rebe on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 03:56:00 PST

good... bad... ugly

This has been one of those weeks. Where you cry cause a lot of crap has happened, but then your happy cause some good stuff has happened too. Anyways here it is 1am, and I'm wide awake. There's so ma...
Posted by Rebe on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 10:16:00 PST