i dont know things of interest come and go, but my main
interest is umm vampires and witchcraft so
orginial i know but theyre so cool, i wish i was a
vampire sometimes i even like to bite sometimes i like
to get biten too. im currently taken a break from
tae kwon do(korean martial arts)but
i am a red belt... i plan on going back!
What anime kiss are you?
You have an intense kiss! You and your partner connect when you kiss and you forget about the rest of the world. Hey, call me!!! ^_~
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What does your fav colour mean?(anime pics)
RED-you are the outgoing type. You not only act on impulse, but you are prone to abrupt mood swings. You have a lot of compassion for fellow human beings and can be easily persuaded. Though you have an optimistic approach to life, you don't hesitate to grumble and complain as well. Your spontaneous nature is assertive, you freely voice your opinions. You have a strong sex drive and are likely to end up having extra-marital affairs, unless your strong sense of duty restrains you from indulging in wild fantasies.
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i wanna meet cool ppl daaa................. maybe sum day meet the guy of my dreams yeah fuckin right like thats gonna happen!!!!
Scroll images by bigoo.ws
i like many different types
so i dotn have a definite group
lately im very into umm techno rock rap hip hop
and r&b you know todays
culture gets me more into it.
examples: dj tiesto, nickelback, flyleaf n more....
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blog layout
Vampire movies like" underworld", "van helsing", "the forsaken", and " vampires"
( theres more i just cant think of any right now . Witch craft movies like " the craft",
"practical magic",( i cant think of anymore right now).
profehcy movies like " scorpian king", "the mummy", and " the mummy returns".
those funny sexual movies like "american pie","american pie 2", "american wedding"," scary movie",
"scary movie 2", "scary movie 3" ,and "the sweetest thing".
blog Layouts
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layout for myspace
layout for myspace
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i tend to not have time for television im always online ,
homework, school, hangin out iwt friends.
but i do watch buffy,
angel , charmed and stuff like that.
Of Your Friends...
List 10 Of Your Friends (Any Gender) Below
1.: Lauren
2.: Ana
3.: Regis
4.: Eddie
5.: My sister Danielle
6.: Pedro
7.: Amanda
8.: Violeta
9.: Diana
10.: Jesus
Now Answer The Questions Below Referring To The Friends You Listed Above.
How long have you known 1?: 4 years
Have you been to 8's house?: yep
Do you like 6?: he my x but he cool
Are 4 and 10 friends?: nope
Have you been to 3's house?: yeah
Would you ever live with 5?: i already do
When was the last time you talked to 4?: yesterday
Would 1 and 6 make a good couple?: no she hates him
How about 8 and 10?: nope
Have you ever dreamt about 2?: only her death
Have you ever slept with 9?: nope
Is 7 attractive?: she okay
Do you love 4?: as a friend yeah
Would you ever cuddle with 1?: already have
Would you ever kiss 3?: only on a dare i love him too much
What do you like best about 6?: his eyes
Have you ever had a crush on 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9?: nope
Do you ever wish you never met 3?: nope i wish i met him sooner
How did you meet 5?: umm my mom gave birth to her u re-re
Has 2 seen you naked?: kinda
Have you seen 2 naked?: kinda
Who is taller? 5 or 10?: 10
Have you met 4's family?: yeah i dated him
Would you ever go out with 3?: nope cant ruin mine n his friendship
Do you think 7 is funny?: sumtimes
What about 6?: sumtimes
Where was the last place you went with 1?: her house
When was the last time you hung out with 2?: july 2 of 06
Where do you want to take 3?: lol portugal n amsterdam
When do you want to see 4?: idc
Would 5 and 6 make a good couple?: no i would kill 6
Have 7 and 8 ever kissed?: nope
Would 9 or 10 ever live together?: nope
Would you let 3 have your baby?: yes
Have you ever told 1 a deep dark secret?: yes
Has 1 ever told you a secret?: yes
Would you runaway with 6?: nope sorry dude
Who was the last person 9 kissed?: Rui
Who was the last person 7 hugged?: probably her g-ma
What word or phrase does 5 say alot?: im such a barbie
Does 6 make you laugh?: yeah
Does 2 ever annoy you?: yeah
When did you last call 4?: umm i think 3nights ago
Do you ever talk to 3 online?: all the time
What about 2?: sumtimes
Does 10 smell bad?: nope
Does 1 smell nice?: yea
Are 1 and 8 friends?: they acquaintces
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You've been totally Bzoink*d
i dont have a favorite boook.
but out of teh recent books i have read my favorite has been DONT DIE MY LOVE
it was very very sad i cried a lot.
but then again if i get caught up in stories i cry easily.
i dont have a hero i plan on bein my own hero so yeah im not gonna idolize someone else and im gonna shoot for my own dreams daaa!!!!!! you should shoot for your own dreams not other ppls