Livn n Lovn life..Tat2n..Playn the odd game of pool..gettn out n spendn time with m8s and meetn more
hmm people, Genuine people, people who dont judge a book by its cover, any1 who can laugh at themselves, people who dont have alterior motives..and just maybe some1 who is real.. I despise liars, cheats n insincere creeps. :)
hmmm most tunes appeal to me..Not that fussy, but do like some of the heavier sorts.
Anything created by Quentin Tarantino, but pffffftt who cares 4 reading lists anywayz...
hmm most but not alot..real stuff tho, doco's n crime etc
Do tattoo mags count?.nah i'd rather draw than read when that sorta free time bcomes available..
Firstly my tin lids, they're the kids we all dream of havin, and I GOT 'EM!!.The Smart Arts crew, my home away from home, my safe house, they're all like family, and not 2 forget the 1 who gives me bumps n bruises..haaa