Jordz. profile picture


"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined." - Henry Thoreau

About Me

"Not all who wander are lost" – JRR Tolkien
I am an 19yo, tattooed, shopaholic princess. I like muay thai boxing and chilling at home with my boy. My family are my world, that includes my boyfriend and friends. Clubbing isn't really my thing, I would much rather see Chimaira play live. I will come across ditzy unless you actually know me. Skinny leg jeans look good on girls. I work at Sunglass Hut in the city. I have coloured my hair more times than I can count and had countless numbers of piercings. Marclar is the best way to describe something and yes, five midgets, spanking a man covered in Thousand Island dressing is love. I am a journalism & PR student at Curtin University. I have never been happier than I am today. I will never be happier than I will be tomorrow. Life isn't about making wishes, it's about making your wishes come true. Second languages are for people that aren't me and I don't pretend for a second I could ever be as cool as them. I also don't talk about them in front of their face in another language. Driving is for people with brains so get off the road fuckwits. Dancing in my living room with my bear is way more fun than dancing at a club and letting a room full of strangers judge and perve on you. Breaking bones is painful, but doing stupid things with people that you love is so worth it. Losing friends sucks but gaining new ones is what life's all about. Dreams do come true. Except the scary ones. Love is about running into the arms of someone and never wanting to let go, wishing that you could be with that one person every second of the day and really being with someone. I have no advice to offer you although I will try and I will listen to you when you need me to. My life experiences are pretty messed up so probably disregard anything I advise you on. Money isn't everything, but it sure fucking helps. Watching TV and mocking people doesn't make you cool, but it makes me laugh so I do it anyway. Eating ice cream and lying on the couch are my favourite passtimes but I also like walking to the golf club with my boy and going to the movies with my friends. Anyone that has ever hurt someone that I love is automatically in my bad books. Even though I have hurt plenty of the people I love and am still trying to make it up to them.

My Interests

"I train every day of my life as they have never trained a day in theirs"
-Alexander Karelin


“I am not afraid,
I was born to do this”
– Joan of Arc

My Blog

Smoking like a chimney ...

Hi Friends.So I've been bad. Not doing my uni assignments and not going to training. Half assing everything and spending waay too much time partying. Needless to say I didn't sleep much this weekend j...
Posted by Jordz. on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 01:07:00 PST

Dermal Piercings

About a month or so I got a dermal piercing on my right hip. A week ago I ripped it out in my sleep (which actually was alot less painful then it sounds).It healed up and I went into my piercing place...
Posted by Jordz. on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 10:01:00 PST

fun and amazing for a boring friday night in bed

Its a Friday night. I have finished work I have a small amount of money waiting to be spent in my "savings" account, it's 8.38pm and I have bailed on all my plans. You may ask why, especially as I ha...
Posted by Jordz. on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 03:45:00 PST

Demon Hunter - INFECTED

I still wonder when the medicine will take it's effect.And the injection they made, it's all just left me the same.I'ts hard to concentrate with echos of your voice in my head.From all you said, im st...
Posted by Jordz. on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 06:37:00 PST

You’re Lame.

Pretty sure if you dont listen to the music, you dont know the band, you have no fucking clue...You shouldn't buy tickets to go and see them. There are people that really love the band who want to see...
Posted by Jordz. on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 05:37:00 PST

FUCK EVERYONE This is where it is. Watch this shit. It will make you come in your pants.   barbie. xx...
Posted by Jordz. on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 08:09:00 PST

Have you ever...

Why is there no goddamn pink for me to write this goddamn blog in? This makes me even more angry then I already am. Anyhow, no one is going to read this but I need to vent.If you are reading this I am...
Posted by Jordz. on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 08:40:00 PST

Midgets In Purple Jumpsuits

 Have you ever noticed on the movie "She's All That" when they are at the 'art thing' where that guy goes on about being a fetus or whatever there are two midgets in purple jumpsuits on stage wit...
Posted by Jordz. on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 07:53:00 PST

a gazillion times better then what?

Hi there friends, So I started this new book this week. It's called "Your Life Only A Gazillion Times Better". It was written by two female psychologists on how to make your life what you want it to b...
Posted by Jordz. on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 09:41:00 PST

"Payback's a Bitch"

Hey there to everyone reading this blog. This weekend I got what I deserved for having hurt someone close to my heart a while ago. I just want to put down in writing that I am now going to think thing...
Posted by Jordz. on Tue, 29 May 2007 12:22:00 PST