They Don't Have Swagger Like Us Babe profile picture

They Don't Have Swagger Like Us Babe

The Key To Ones Failure Is Trying To Please Everybody

About Me

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My Interests

Get a scroller sign at!Yeah i do like to play video games from time to time any ways i do play football and watch football games and i hang out who ever wants to hang out with me i do like to u know what i mean lol

I'd like to meet:


How did you/they ask?: When The Time Was Right
Were you happy afterwards?: What Would I Be
Are you excited?: It Comes With The Package
Do you ever cry to be engaged to someone that loves you so much?: She Knows
Do you get butterflies when you think of being married to them?: Some Times
Do you regret it?: Naw
Do you wanna be married now or wait?: For The Time I Have Now I Would Say Wait She Has Alot To Do
Do you truely believe itll work?: It Better
Are you gunna cry?: Maybe lol
Do you think there happy?: Who Is U Talking About lol
Do you believe there excited?: I Hope It's Us Well Yes
What have your/there parents say about it?: Well lol
Cant wait to have kids?: Can Wait
Are you happy to be in love with that person?: Yes
Whats the main reason you feel so happy to be engaged to them?: Cause She Never Will Cheat Or Do Anything To Fuck It Up


Her name?: Bryanna
Her age?: 18
Her birthday?: 71890
Nickname?: bre bre lol
How did you meet?: School
How long have you been together?: 1year an some change
When were you married?: When The Time Was Right
How did you propose?: When The Time Was Right
Did she cry?: Yea
Who picked out her wedding ring(s)?: Well We Not There Yet
Who picked out yours?: She Better lol
Do you like it?: I Will
What was your first thought when she came down the aisle?: Well It Will Be Im Find The Star That Brightens My Sky
How long have you been married?: Hmmmm
Does she cook well?: Yea
What's your favorite thing she's ever cooked for you?: I Guess Her Juicy xxxxxxxxx :)
What's your favorite thing she ever gave you?: Hmmmmmmmmmm She Knows
What's your favorite memory?: When We First Did It
Was it love at first sight?: Not Really But For Me Maybe Yea Duh
What's your favorite thing that she does for you?: Cook
What color is her hair?: Black
Her eyes?: Gold jk Brown lol
How tall is she?: Short As Hell lol
Do you know what perfume she wears?: Alot
Do you love her?: Yes
Want kids with her?: Yes
Does she annoy you?: Not Really
Describe 5 things about your wife that could be said about no one else.: She Is The One The All Or Nothing The Bomb Diggy Love And Also Mines
Describe 5 of your favorite things about your wife.: Too Xxxx Rated lol
What's her best characteristic?: She Is Smart
What's her worst?: She Doesn't Believe
Is she funny?: Yea
What's the funniest thing she ever did?: Fart In My Face lol
Do you make her laugh.: Always
Name a time when you made her laugh the hardest/: Thats A Good question
If you had to describe your wife, and could only use one word, it would be?: Forever
Do you miss her when you are away from her?: I Do And I Still Do Even More
What do you miss the most?: Her Next To Me
Is she your best friend?: Maybe Thats Up To Her
Do you think she loves you?: Yes
Do she show you she loves you?: Yes
Do you think you show her that you love her?: Always


Yeah I Listen To Alot Of Rap Or Anything That Sounds Good To Listen To Long As I Can't Understand What The Hell They Talking About Im Good lol.


Action is ma shit...Bad boyz two is ma movie also anything that has fast cars in it but im down to watch any movie and any thing that is new and cool to look at and understand.Mostly csi and law and order they the shit too.Man i also like watching alot of comedy movies there is list on to go like Friday and How High yeah i would be here all day to tell u it all but u know i welther u find out with me.


::About Me::
Name:: Colton
B-day:: 03/27/1989
Age:: 19
Eye Color:: Hazel
Hair Color:: Black
Height:: 6'0
Best Feature:: My Eyes
Shoe Size:: 11'5-12
Ring Size:: Wouldn't You Like To Know lol
Addictions:: Food Candy
Pets:: Dogs Cats
Piercings:: Not Yet
Tattoos:: Not Yet
Nickname:: Cody
Car:: Truck
Parents Still Together:: My Pops
Siblings:: Fuckem
Live With Parents:: Pops
Favorite/Most Important:
Feature Of The Opposite Sex:: Face
Spot To Be Kissed:: Neck
Sports Team:: Pats
Holiday:: Christmas
Alcoholic Drink:: Don't Have One Yet
Non-Alcoholic Drink:: Tea
Quote:: Mother Fucker lol
Lesson Learned:: The Hard Way
Thing A Friend Has Done For You:: Gave Me Money
Thing You've Done For A Friend:: Gave Them More
Baby Name (Girl):: Lisa
Baby Name (Boy):: Michael
Ben&Jerry's Flavor:: Never Had It
Starbucks Drink:: Never Had It
Season:: Summer
Have You Ever..:
Wished On A Star:: Yea
Been In Love:: Am
Been Out Of The Country:: Nope
Talked On The Phone All Night:: Yup
Bungee Jumped:: Nope
Driven Cross-Country:: Nope
Had Surgery:: Naw
Been Told You Might Die:: Nope
Told Someone You Loved Them:: Yea
Wished You'd Told Someone You Loved Them:: I Already Did
Asked Someone Out:: Yes
Kissed Someone (Made The First Move):: Yup
As A Child, Had A Skip-It:: What lol
What About A Sock-Em-Bop:: Yea
Kissed The Same Sex:: Hell Naw lol
Gone Out In Public With Your PJ's On:: Yup
Laughed So Hard That Liquid Came Out Your Nose:: Yup
Had Sex In A Car:: Hell Yea
Past Relationships:
Who Is The Person You Last Broke Up With:: Shannon
How Long Did You Date That Person:: 2 months
Was It Love:: Naw
Did You Have Sex With Them:: Nope
Were They Older Or Younger:: Older
Were They Shorter Or Taller:: Shorter
Have You Had Other Boy/Girl-Friends:: Yup
Any You Wish You Could Talk To:: Nope
Any You Hate:: Yea
Current Relationship:
Do You Have A Boy/Girl-Friend:: Wife
Where Did You Meet:: School
How Long Have You Been Together:: 1 Year An Some Change
What Is Your Anniversary Date:: May 19
What Is His/Her Full Name:: Bryanna
Were You Attracted To Them The First Moment You Saw Them:: Yup
Do You Trust Him/Her:: Yes
Have You Cheated On Him/Her:: Nope
What's His/Her Favorite Meal:: Chicken lol
What's His/Her Favorite Band:: Don't Have One
High School:
Public/Private:: Public
Best Friends:: Many
Boy/Girl-Friend:: Many
Job:: Not Yet
Prom Date:: Bryanna
Best Memory:: Making Love
Worst Memory:: Not Passing
Graduate:: Wish
Leave A Virgin:: Nope
This Or That:
Strawberries/Blueberries:: Straw
Meat/Veggie:: Meat
TV/Movie:: Movie
Hugs/Kisses:: kisses
Guitar/Drums:: Drums
Chinese/Mexican:: Chinese
Day/Night:: Night
Cheerios/Cornflakes:: Corn
Snickers/Milky Way:: Milky
Gold/Silver:: Silver
Black/Brown:: Black
Elvis/Beatles:: What The Fuck lol
Sprinkles/Icing:: Sprinkles Hell Yea lol
Cookie/Donut:: Donut
Cake/Pie:: Cake
Coke/Pepsi:: Pepsi
Am:: Me
Thought:: Of Her
Need:: Her
Want:: Her
Love:: Her
Wish I Was:: Rich With Her
Will Always Be:: With Her


I don't read like that but i would say i have read somme books.The only books i read now are the ones for school lol.Also the ones with pic's and not in that way lol.Some books just make u sleepy so i just don't read lol but ain't that most of the books.


My pops for being there for me all the time and i would say superman but he isn't real lol.But mostly my friends for being there for me but baby she is my new hero for me.
All about yourself...the survey.
All about yourself...
First name?:: Colton
Middle name?:: Qualin
Like your name?:: Yeah It's Cool
Named after anyone?:: Naw Not Really lol
Any nicknames?:: Colt-45 Cody C Murdra
Age?:: 18
Birthdate?:: 03/27/89
Birthplace?:: Philadelphia
Time you were born?:: Don't Remember lol
Current location?:: Home
Height?:: 6'0
Like your height?:: Yeah It's Cool Just About 1 More Inch Thats All
Eye color?:: Hazel
Contacts/glasses?:: Don't Wear Them lol
Hair color?:: Black
Natural hair color?:: Black
Dye your hair often?:: Never
Righty or lefty?:: Righty
Your favorite...
Type of music?:: Any
Band or singer?:: It's Hard To Say
TV show?:: Hard To Say Maybe Wife And Kids
Movie?:: Bad Boys
TV channel?:: Really Upn Or As They Call It Cw lol
Radio station?:: 103.0 The Beat
Place to be?:: Some Where Safe lol
Thing to do?:: Have Fun
Food?:: Anything Good
Non alcoholic drink?:: Water lol
Alcoholic drink?:: 99 Apples
Animal?:: Dog
Holiday?:: Christmas
Season?:: Summer
Sport?:: Football
Place to shop?:: The Mall
Clothing brand?:: Roc
Scent?:: Old Spice And Axe
Restaurant?:: Red Lobster
Fruit?:: Orange
Vegetable?:: Carrot And Corn
Fast food restaurant?:: Checkers
Pizza topping?:: Meat Lots Of Meat lol
Ice cream flavor?:: Any Kind Really
Magazine?:: Lol
City?:: Philly Aka killadelphia
Color?:: Blue Red And Black
Number?:: 22
This or that...
Chocolate or vanilla?:: Vanilla
Pepsi or coke?:: Pepsi
Hot or cold?:: Hot
Black or white?:: Black
Dog or cat?:: Dog
French toast or pancakes?:: Pancakes
French fries or onion rings?:: French Fries
Hamburger or hot dog?:: Hamburger
Pepperoni or sausage?:: Sausage
Britney or Christina?:: Christina
McDonalds or Burger King?:: McDonalds
50 Cent or Eminem?:: Eminem
Canada or Mexico?:: Mexico
Hug or kiss?:: Kiss
Movies or TV?:: Movies
Truth or dare?:: Dare
Do you...
Shower daily?:: Yes Sir
Sing in the shower?:: Nope
Like to sing?:: Naw
Like to dance?:: Yeah Maybe
Smoke?:: Naw
Drink?:: Yeah
Cuss?:: Hell Yeah Mother Fucker lol
Talk to yourself?:: Naw
Believe in yourself?:: Yeah
Play an instrument?:: Naw
Go to school?:: Yeah
Go to college?:: Soon
Have a job?:: Naw
Like your job?:: Want One lol
Want to get married?:: Yeah With The One I Love She Already Knows That
Want to have kids?:: Yes With Her
Get along with your parents?:: Yeah
Get along with your siblings?:: Never That
Drive?:: Wish lol
Do you think you're trustworthy?:: Yes
Think your funny?:: Hell Yeah
Ever toilet papered someones house?:: Naw
Gone garbage can tipping?:: Naw
What are your parents names?:: Shelton And Jacqualin
Siblings names?:: Too Many lol
Do you wash your hands frequently?:: lol Yeah I Guess
How many time a day do you brush your teeth?:: 2
Collect anything?:: Naw
Ever been in love?:: I Am In Love Now And Forever Will Be
In love right now?:: Yes
What color pants are you wearing right now?:: Black
How does your hair look?:: Ok
Ever had your heartbroken?:: Yes
Ever broken the law?:: Yes
Been arrested?:: Uhhh lol
Been out of the country?:: Yeah
Can you stick your fist in your mouth?:: No
When was the last time you got drunk?:: On A Saturday lol
Do you do drugs?:: Naw
When was the last time you were high on anything?:: Uhh I Forgot lol
Do you prefer the lights on or off?:: Off
Would you ever get plastic surgery?:: Never
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?:: Boxers
Do you like to laugh?:: Yeah
Ever had a bloody nose?:: Yeah
Have you ever caught a fish?:: Yeah On A Video game lol
What was the last thing you ate?:: Chicken
What time do you go to bed?:: late As Hell
What's your favorite color?:: I Already Told You
Do you like to give or recieve?:: Both
Are you obsessed with anything/anyone?:: Yes
Do you live alone?:: Naw
Do you own a blender?:: Naw
Do you like the snow?:: Yeah It's Cool
Ever been up a mountain?:: Naw
Ever been rootin'?:: NAw
Do you like surprises?:: Yeah
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My Blog

The Update

Well it's been a year and some change im still here when ppl didn't want me too it's been hard but nothing has nothing been easy even when your heart does things different then what you like.I try to ...
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I Give

I give you kisses on the lips cause I love youI give you kisses on the ear cause you are specialI give you kisses on the neck cause I need youI give you kisses on your shoulder cause you are wonderful...
Posted by They Don't Have Swagger Like Us Babe on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 03:10:00 PST

Do I Think

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Why Me

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Life Line

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Posted by They Don't Have Swagger Like Us Babe on Sun, 27 May 2007 01:02:00 PST

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Why Do Shit Hurt

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