18 year old male living in geelong, just finished year 12 at CRC Drysdale if u want to know anything just add me [email protected]
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Mucking around with mates, football, tennis, tricking, good company
Roger Federer, Manyard James Keenan, Jonathon Davis, Chase Armitage, Trosly and no longer Turtle =D
Tool, KoRn, System of a Down, Rage Against the Machine, Mindless Self Indulgence, Linkin Park
The warriors, Secret Window, Butterfuly Effect, Saw, team America World Police, Dodeball, Baseketball and lord of the rings Barbie and Rapunzel ;)
Simpsons, Futurama, Family Guy, CSI
Lord of the rings, the da vinci code
Roger Federer, Bruce Lee