MotorJed profile picture


About Me

"Jed? Man, if he was any cooler and he'd have to be twins just handle it." "Wow, who is that guy?" "I want that man." "I wish I was Jed." "You know who we need on this? Jed."

None of the above have ever been said about Jed Brazier. He hopes maybe one day someone will. And she'll be incredibly interesting, wickedly funny, ridiculously creative, perhaps even attractive, but most importantly - have amazingly low standards.

Myspace Layouts + Myspace Graphics

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Most of my heroes are gone, but these cats may make for some interesting conversation:

Martin Scorsese, Evel Knievel, Amiri Baraka/LeRoi Jones, Michael Mann, Bruce Springsteen, Henry Rollins, Toppanga, Leo Laporte, Nick cave, Tom Waits, the Amazing Jonathan, Max Allan Collins, Jennifer Tilly, & a gorilla.

But not all at the same time.

'Cause that'd just be weird.

Or just a bunch of like minded individuals who want to leave a mark on this world - through film, music, or words.

My Blog

Posted by on Wed, 10 Feb 2010 22:27:00 GMT

More, Better later . . .

It's time folks. Hate to state the obvious, but this place is a ghost town. So, in the effort to revitalize this whole blogging thing, I'm starting a new one - and in the near future, you can find it ...
Posted by on Wed, 10 Feb 2010 22:23:00 GMT

Lost Highway

Somewhere along the way, somewhere between the "back then" and the "here-and-now," I lost my road map. That doesn't mean I know where I'm going - or that I ever did - but I know I had a map once. Some...
Posted by on Mon, 14 Sep 2009 00:07:00 GMT

Quick'n, but more on the way...

Hey folks, how's tricks?Schools out for the semester (One maybe two left, for the two of you curious),so I'll have a wee bit more time to get back into the whole blogging thing - which is actually a ...
Posted by on Thu, 14 May 2009 23:26:00 GMT

Oscars, reviews, not much other news . . .

Well, as long as I'm sitting here watching the Oscars, I might as well do some movie reviews, right?. . . *chirp - chirp* . . .Well, F ya then. I'm doing it anyway.What is the deal with the Musical Nu...
Posted by on Sun, 22 Feb 2009 20:46:00 GMT

Bloody Knuckles, Broken Heart

Hey folks, just a quick note, the official website for my first book is finally up and running.www.bloodyknucklesbrokenheart.comFor the uninitiated or unaware, wander on over and check it out for some...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Feb 2009 18:58:00 GMT

New year, new attitude

Happy (Post) holidays, folks.Good to be back.A while back I asked for some questions, and here's a few answers: 1. That movie is called "Heart of Darkness," and was finally issued on DVDnot too lon...
Posted by on Fri, 16 Jan 2009 14:00:00 GMT

assorted stuff . . .

Hey all,I hope you all enjoyed your respective turkey days.Looks like someone looked into my head and dug around and founda way to make a movie tailor made for me. One of my favorite actors,a couple o...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Dec 2008 21:33:00 GMT

Movie alphabet, pirates steal my job, and a few reviews...

Sons of Bitches!These guys dreamed up the perfect job for me . . .Then stole it.*. . . sigh . . . *Check it out.Pieces of 8ight - Capt. Bogg and Salty A pirate rock band for kids . . . HOW TH...
Posted by on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 23:49:00 GMT

nintendo reset button

Ok, here's the deal.I have about 10 half written blogs that I don't want to shoehorninto one, but I don't have too much fresh to say at the moment,so I'm going to try something different and leave it ...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Nov 2008 23:18:00 GMT