My Blog
100 Days Of Summer H.E.A.T.........again
Wow, just saw ANOTHER "100 days of summer HEAT" ad, and hear them all the time on the radio informing me how local and state "law enforcement" is going to crack down on speeders, drinkers, and aggress...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Jul 2009 20:22:00 GMT
Global Warming? New Data Shows ICE is BACK
Global Warming? New Data Shows Ice Is Back
Are the world's ice caps melting because of climate change, or are the reports just a lot of scare monger...
Posted by on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 20:34:00 GMT
Ethanol Facts!!! (or what the tree huggers DON’T tell you)
Fuel economy
All vehicles have a fuel economy (measured as miles per US gallon -MPG- , or liters per 100 km) that is directly proportional to energy content.[27] Ethanol contains approx. 34% les...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 19:37:00 GMT
Let's Take ALGORE literally.............
found this on just gotta love Gore!!!
Rep. Barton, Ranking Member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, had a strong statement/commentary on Al Gore's tes...
Posted by on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 19:36:00 GMT
Watching Grown Men Cry.......Some women,too!
It's never ceases to amaze me the effort we go to to punish our senses, but if you ever go(or get a chance to go) to what some call a "Nitro Fest" ( any NHRA national event), just walk aroun...
Posted by on Thu, 24 Aug 2006 18:24:00 GMT