Auntie Erica profile picture

Auntie Erica

I am here for Friends

About Me

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Leo Leo Leo!!!! If I could meet anyone in the world it would be Leonardo DiCaprio 4 Sure!!!

My Blog

On my mind

I came across this while reading Matthew..."Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the great...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Oct 2009 00:57:00 GMT

Help bring Jorge home

Jorge was being treated at City of Hope Hospital in Duarte, CA from Dec 23rd to mid April. That's when doctors said they couldn't do anything else for him so his last option was to go to Mexico. His m...
Posted by on Sun, 17 May 2009 13:53:00 GMT

Courageous Jorge

Yesterday I received the dreaded news that my long time friend Jorge had passed away. Although he was diagnosed with two types of leukemia in July 08 things moved much faster than I think most of us e...
Posted by on Fri, 15 May 2009 16:09:00 GMT


As most of you know Jorge has been fighting two types of leukemia since July 2008. A few weeks ago his doctors told him the chemotherapy was no longer working for him and there was nothing else they c...
Posted by on Fri, 08 May 2009 20:27:00 GMT

I Believe

A Birth Certificate shows that we were born A Death Certificate shows that we died Pictures show that we lived! I Believe . .Have a seat . . . Relax . . .And read this slowly.I believe -. . . That jus...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Feb 2009 00:40:00 GMT

Dear Alcohol (Thanks Dee)

Dear Alcohol,First and foremost, let me tell you that I'm a huge fan of yours. My friend, you always seem to be there when needed. The perfect post-work cocktail, a beer with the game, and you're even...
Posted by on Wed, 11 Feb 2009 19:48:00 GMT

Happy Thanksgiving

I would like to stop and give thanks to all the special people in my life. My family and friends have always and will always be the most important part of me. I am thankful for them and especially tha...
Posted by on Fri, 28 Nov 2008 07:07:00 GMT

Marrow drive in SJ Sept. 21

Posted by on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 03:17:00 GMT


Special thanks 2 Lindsay, Alex, and Meline aka banana so far!! You guys F'in ROCK and I really appreciate you taking time to help me out!!!! Thanks 2 anyone else that may have re-posted as well that i...
Posted by on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 04:47:00 GMT


Jorge is one of the most outgoing, enthusiast, warm hearted people I know. He has always been there for me in my time of need and he would do anything to help others. Despite the tough time he is goi...
Posted by on Wed, 10 Sep 2008 02:03:00 GMT