Guitar, music, science, comedy, my friends, video filming/editing, late-night, parties, good conversations with people that aren't morons, shows, playing shows... that's all I'm putting down. Just ask me about something and I'll tell you if I'm interested in it or not.
In terms of normal people, I would like to meet people that share at least a few common interests. People that actually have something to contribute to a good conversation about virtually anything rather than trying to bullshit their way through it. People that are themselves at all times and don't put on a show depending on who they're around. I guess I don't particularly care, as long as you aren't an idiot (meaning you aren't a racist/sexist/elitist of any sort) and you don't waste my time.
In terms of the ladies, someone who isn't the cookie-cutter, dime-a-dozen, carbon-copy girl. One that won't play bullshit mind games and will just say what they want/need so I don't have to make assumptions and infer things that may not be correct. Someone that will interest my mind as well as my body. If you make music, that's a plus. If you can tell me what recalcitrant means (without looking it up), that's a plus. Long story short, don't fuck with my head and we'll get along.
In terms of well-known individuals, I'd definitely like to meet Conan O'Brien (hopefully that isn't a shocker), John Petrucci, Maddox, comedians that kick ass (AKA Rodney Dangerfield, Walter Matthau, Jack Lemon, Richard Pryor, Dave Chappelle, more... hmmm... most of those guys are dead), and pretty much any member of any band I really enjoy listening to.
Progressive rock/metal, thrash metal, crust, anarcho punk, grind (not the shitty hardcore type), classic rock, blues, instrumental, classical... again, just ask me and I'll let you know. I like talking about music, so maybe that's a good place to start if you're a new person.
Here are a few honorable mentions to whet your appetite: Dream Theater, D.R.I., Frank Zappa, Pink Floyd, Toxic Narcotic, Slayer, Megadeth, Municipal Waste, Sepultura, Extreme Noise Terror, J.S. Bach...
Comedies, music DVDs, action, sci-fi, documentaries...
I don't feel like making a list.
I don't watch too much TV, but there are a few exceptions. Chappelle's show, Late Night With Conan O'Brien, The Daily Show, The Science Channel, G4, Discovery Health, History Channel, King of the Hill...
I don't have a ton of free time to read, but I do enjoy reading if it's good/entertaining material.
Currently Reading: Electrogravitics Systems (crazy science stuff, like secrets behind the B2 bomber and alternative fuel propulsion systems), Wilco: Learning How To Die (it's about a band called Wilco and their experiences with record labels and the whole band lifestyle).
Not heroes, but inspirations. I consider any great musician, comedian, or thinker to be inspirational.
People like (but not limited to): John Petrucci, Mike Portnoy, John Myung, Jordan Rudess, J.S. Bach, Frank Zappa, Bruno Di Giorgio, Conan O'Brien, Dave Chappelle, Rodney Dangerfield, Richard Pryor, Maddox, Einstein, Plato, Steven Hawking, Galileo, Hooke, Newton, Tesla...