I like playing sports. I like going to the movies and talking on tha phone with my baby boo. I like skating (even tho i dont kno how) and just having fun.
I would love to meet Omarion and Ciara because i think those two are really good dancers and i wanna learn how to dance that well and Jesus. Oh and any cool new people oh myspace.
I love any dirtty south music dat i can crunk to. I also like R&B and Reggae music too!
Any Madea Play,The Five Heartbeats, and Ragdoll
I like to watch any Looney Tunes cartoons because I love Tweety Bird and Family Guy. Stewie is my favorite
Awesome Survey
Name Shatara
Birthday April 21
Birthplace Laurinburg,NC
Current Location Wagram
Currently Wearing Baby Phat Jean Dress
Shoes you wore today Tan Flowered Flip-Flops
Height 5'4"
Hair Color Black and Brown
Eye Color Dark Brown
Heritage Black and Indian
Goal you would like to achieve this year Get a well paying job
Best School Subject Science
Worst School Subject Dont really have one
Fears Clowns... and dont laugh cuz it aint funny
Describe yourself in 3 words crazy, fun, sometimes shy
Bedtime Dont have one
This or That
Pepsi or Coke Pepsi
McDonalds or Burger King McDonalds
Pen or Pencil Both
Black or White Both
Summer or Winter Summer
Inside or Outside Depends on temperature
Flip flops or tennis shoes Both
Polo or t-shirt T-shirt
Phone or Internet Both
Water or Soda Both
Watermelon or Strawberry Both but i like strawberries better
Black and white pictures or colored Colored
Vanilla or Chocolate Both
Hershey Park or Six Flags Six Flags
Rock or Rap Rap
Color Purple and blue
Food Anything my mom cooks
Fastfood place McDonalds
Store Wal-Mart
Sport Basketball and Football
Phrase wats happenin, wats up?
Word Love
Flower Pink roses
Place Atlanta
School subject Science
Have you ever...
Smoked No
Been Drug No
Gone skinny dipping No
Eaten a bug No
Stole something ummm.... yea
Been to another country no
Had sex none of your business
In a Guy/girl
Favorite Eye Color Hazel-Green
Favorie Hair Color Dont matter
Sport they play basketball and football or any sport they want to play
Height taller than 5'4"
Weight Less than 220
In the past month have you...
Eaten a box of Oreos yes
Eaten Sushi no
Been on stage no
Been on a date no
Went to the mall yea
Cried hmmm...yes
Gone to another state yea
How do you want to die old and peaceful
If you could meet anyone famous, who would it be? Jesus
How many siblings do you have? 2
How many piercings do you have? 4
Any tatoos? no but i want one
How many CD's do you own ALOT
What color is your tooth brush white and purple
What color is your wall in your bedroom white
Do you have a temper ummmm...yes
Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is... mysterious
Your hugs are... gentle
Your eyes... sparkle like the stars
Your touch is... awakening my heart
Your smell is... refreshing
Your smile is... entrancing
Your love is... everlasting
Quiz created with MemeGen !
My Mom(Angela), My great-grandmother(R.I.P),and Jesus