Aaron profile picture


The Powers of the Quail: Patience, Intelligence, Speed.

About Me

Listening to my mp3 player really loud in the quiet section of the library, shouting obscenities around small children, correcting people's grammar on AIM, putting people on speakerphone without warning, saying "Let there be light" every time any light switch is flipped anywhere, beginning essays with "According to Webster ________ is defined as", calling people then asking "who is this?", remembering funny things in class and laughing out loud.

My Interests

Pirate stuff, music, books, politics...

I'd like to meet:

Your mother. Yeah, I went there.


I dread filling these things out, particularly the music section. Honestly, I'm into most anything. Lately it's been...
Ray Charles
The Coats
Johnny Cash
Nickel Creek
Great Big Sea
Breaking Benjamin
Norah Jones
Stevie Ray Vaughn
Fall Out Boy
Sum 41
Any movie soundtrack
Frank Sinatra
Dave Brubeck
K.T. Tunstall
Audioslave (newer stuff)
Brian Setzer
Blues Traveler
Christina Auguilera (Yeah, I said it)
Stone Temple Pilots
Flogging Molly
Stevie Wonder
System of a Down


Shakespeare in Love, The Shipping News, O Brother Where Art Thou?, Farenheit 9/11, A Mighty Wind, Batman, Moulin Rouge (can't help it), The Exorcism of Emily Rose, Lady in the Water, Princess Bride, Lord of the Rings, Oceans 11, Pirates of the Caribbean, and V for Vendetta.


Lost, Frasier, Seinfeld, and OLD SCHOOL Nickelodeon.


In no particular order and by no means limited to the following: The Catcher in the Rye, The Shipping News, Shakespeare, 1984, Lord of the Rings, any Mark Twain, The Great Gatsby, Farenheit 451, My Year of Meats, and the Bible.


Captain Jack Sparrow, Johnny Cash, Mark Twain, Holden Caulfield, the underdog, Quailman, and my parents.

My Blog

Thievery as a result of Boredom

Yeah, I stole this from someone else's livejournal...sooo, I'm bored...sawwy for the thievery.  Forgive me, yeah? Ten Things About Me 1.  I LOVE to verbally spar.2.  It's easy for me ...
Posted by Aaron on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 12:26:00 PST

AHHH, the 90's are gone!

LOL, this is so awesome and so true! Anybody under the age of 15 should not read this, and if you do, you should not repost this. Just because you were born in '92 doesn't mean you're a 90's kid. It's...
Posted by Aaron on Thu, 13 Apr 2006 12:48:00 PST

Titles are stupid

Happy?  I editted my MySpace.  The background is the character V from teh movie "V for Vendetta."  Go see that movie!  It's a cinematic version of some of my favorite books...Eep, ...
Posted by Aaron on Mon, 10 Apr 2006 09:49:00 PST

. . .

No honestly I actually think about updating this thing quite often.  College keeps me busy...they actually make me do work!  Damn you FP for not telling me that before hand.  Sigh...oh ...
Posted by Aaron on Tue, 20 Dec 2005 01:34:00 PST


I usually just use a livejournal for this stuff but no one reads those lol so this will have to do.  Summer has been pretty fun so far.  Mexico Mission trip was awesome.  I didn't scorc...
Posted by Aaron on Wed, 31 Aug 2005 07:43:00 PST

Sighs of Relief

**Sighs**  Finally I can coast now until Thursday.  All the finals are done - nothing left to do except get my yearbook signed.  I think I can handle that workload.  Then, I gradua...
Posted by Aaron on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Thank goodness for friends with working scanners.  I have new pictures...and they're not 2 years old!  Sweet eh?  They're nerdy, they're weird, they're me!    Scurry...  ...
Posted by Aaron on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Bored...thanks Andrew for posting it - saves me a lot of typing.    * Your gender:male* Straight/Gay/Bi: straight * Single?: Nope* If not, do you want to be?  No way* Birthdate: June 1...
Posted by Aaron on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


I'm exceedingly bored. I'm staring at this homework and I'm just not feelin' it right now. Perchance, it will magically finish itself over night. Aside from that, Cabaret was this week and it was a...
Posted by Aaron on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Frickin' scanner

Hokay, so, when I get my scanner working I'll put something better than my tenth grade picture up sound good? Yeah, I thought so too. Alright, off to choir rehearsal. See ya.
Posted by Aaron on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST