dez dizzy ass bitches think pucci keeps a nigga profile picture

dez dizzy ass bitches think pucci keeps a nigga

it's gonna take more than that dumb ass cuz pucci comez 2 easy,try holdin a conversation or a fuckin

About Me

MySpace Layouts @ HOT MyHotComments

My Interests

yo this fight was corny but it was funny as shit u gotta here the hype man-lol.. width="425" height="350" .. type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" height="350" width="425" ......
Name: nay-nay some people call me aminah
Birthdate: 12-03-1978
Birthplace: philly penn hospital
Current Location: north philthy
Eye Color: light brown
Hair Color: black
Height: 5'6
Weight: cummon now-lol
Piercings: ears
Tatoos: 8 of them thangs
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: none of the above
Overused Phraze: wat it due-lol-and shawty-o yea and fallback
Food: chinese store,boston market,wendy's
Candy: sourpatches
Number: 6/8 at the crap tables
Color: black
Animal: snakes
Drink: sweet tea by arizona
Alcohol Drink: 151 or vodka
Bagel: blueberry toasted witt butter and cream cheese
Letter: x would have 2 be my fav
Body Part on Opposite sex: dizzzznick
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: pepsi im black-lol
McDonalds or BurgerKing: burger king,,mickey d's fuckin my shit up
Strawberry or Watermelon: watermelon
Chocolate or Vanilla chocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: hot chocolate
Kiss or Hug: kiss u see these lips
Dog or Cat: cat
Rap or Punk: rap
Summer or Winter: summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: funny
Love or Money: money cuz love can't pay the bills
Bedtime: never-lol
Most Missed Memory: my nanna lean horne i miss her sooo much aint nobody ever lovin me like that again
Best phyiscal feature: my eyes,they chinky and poppy at the same time,,i think they sexy
First Thought Waking Up: money
Goal for this year: get money and live betta
Best Friends: shaneek and lelia
Weakness: love
Fears: death
Heritage: i'm cut from good cloth
Longest relationship: 3 years
Ever Drank: yup
Ever Smoked:
Pot: hells yea
Ever been Drunk: cummon now
Ever been beaten up: fuck no i give out the asswhoopiinz
Ever beaten someone up: more than i'd like 2 remember
Ever Shoplifted: never had 2 always got what i wanted
Ever Skinny Dipped: yea that shit was fun
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: now that's a stupid question
Been Dumped Lately: no but i just dumped some 1 recently
Favorite Eye Color: green
Favorite Hair Color: black
Short or Long: long
Height: i like my niggas 6 foot and up
Style: tall,,black,chinky eyes,dresses him ass off,and smells good,,and can handle this battle cat
Looks or Personality: look i just answerd dat shit-lol
Hot or Cute i'll take hot ova cute anyday
Drugs and Alcohol: naw i smoke enough 4 both of us
Muscular or Really Skinny: muscular,,only cuz i love athletes
Number of Regrets in the Past: countless
What country do you want to Visit: africa
How do you want to Die: really quick,,i dont even wanna feel that shit
Been to the Mall Lately: ummm yea
Do you like Thunderstorms: no they scare the shit outta me
Get along with your Parents: nope
Health Freak: nope
Do you think your Attractive: i know i am fuck u mean???????
Believe in Yourself: yes
Want to go to College: fuck no
Do you Smoke: yup
Do you Drink: rarely
Shower Daily: of course im a fuckin lady
Been in Love: yup
Do you Sing: not 2 otha people
Want to get Married: been there never again
Do you want Children: got sum dont want no more
Have your future kids names planned out: no
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: already did and i aint tellin yall what age neither
Hate anyone: o fuckin real, i hate aaron,iesha,tonya,za,piggy,tia,i could go on


I'd like to meet:

.. type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data=" wf" height="302" width="400" align="middle" ....
Cool Slideshows.. type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" height="384" width="528" id="hexagon" align="middle" ....
Cool Slideshows /table


lol-lol-lol-what i really wanna know iz y this country bitch beat the shit outta her man like d.. width="425" height="350" .. type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" height="350" width="425"


i hate this pic but it shows my fat ass-lol mspmb allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJSURL="false" enableHREF="false" saveEmbedTags="true" src= ..


all knockouts this shit is seriou.. width="425" height="350" .. type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" height="350" width="425" ......


ATTENTION ALL LADIES!!!Love yourself... like you go wit ya self!!Rep ya self.. like the squad u fuck wit!!Treat ya self... like the Queen u are!!Never let anyone's view of yourself determine yourself!Be yourself...ALWAYSLove hard, Live Hard.. results may vary, but atleast you know u've TRULY loved and lived!Understand that captivity of the spirit and mind IS NOT any option!Be real with the ones you love.. but FOREMOST yourself!!Cry! Go head and Cry.. but never drown in those tears!!Understand that cockiness is better than suffering from a low self esteem!But with that also know that stuck up bitches are thee UGLIEST bitches!Understand that you're created in the likeness of the Most High Fearfully and Wonderfully made.. which automatically makes you the baddest.. now its only a matter of embracing that.. and perfecting it!We all have talents! Talents aint shit until u make them ur CRAFT! Perfect, Own, and Love the Craft God intended for you to Perfect, Own and Love!If someone hurts you dont EVER expect that person to heal the wounds for you.. you need to heal them yourself! Only you can love you like you need to be loved.Being unloved is a false feeling.. God always loves you therefore theres no such thing! remember that in your hours of lonliness!Celebrate your diversity always!Even when your rejected, hurt, lied to, hurt, betrayed, HURT, abandoned, HURT...know that you those days will have to pass.. and the days to follow will be your best... learn from the hurt and apply it to your future happiness!!NEVER ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE IN THE SITUATION OF "UGLY IS THE BEAUTIFUL GIRL... UNLOVED IS THE BELOVED!!"This is what ive learned! This is what ive come to know! My personal thoughts, words, truth and experiences to yall! From my heart to yours!!!


[IMG] ndlelia2.jpg[/IMG]yes im black and i love guns and roses this shit is a classic.. width="425" height="350" .. type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" height="350" width="425" ......

My Blog

come back cock

my only real beef witt nigga'a is dat they don't keep dat shit real "that's it" i mean if you got a bitch then let me know,,she ain't my gotdam girlfriend so why would i care if u put claims on anotha...
Posted by dez dizzy ass bitches think pucci keeps a nigga on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 08:50:00 PST

all men are dogs

personally these's nothing that can convince me that men ain't dogs,,the relationship be cool for like 6 months then it just totally gose hay wire-in the beginning errything is lovely,,you got this du...
Posted by dez dizzy ass bitches think pucci keeps a nigga on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 08:07:00 PST