i love to dance...sleep..surf...sinG... as of now im sooOO into SIMS2, Vice City and Final Fantasy.. anOther thiNg that im most interested of is IGNORING PEOPLE WHO LACKS ATTENTION!!!! img src="http://images.kayemil.multiply.com/image/1/photos/3/120 0x120/19.jpg"aLso spendin somE reaL quaLity time witH my baBy... my frienDs...and my famiLy...
img src="http://images.kayemil.multiply.com/image/1/photos/2/120 0x120/149.jpg"wholesome people..like me!!!people who are kind hearted and loving,just like me...hahaha kiddin aside i wanna meet people who share the same interest, long lost friends and relatives(?)
rnb..pop..rap..alternatives..lovesongs..esp theme songs ng my best friends wedding..kahit anong song actually..basta wag lang baduy.. for now mah favrit is the reaSon...sOng ni baby fOr me..img src="http://images.animationfactory.com/animations/music/gui tar/girl_playing_ukulele/girl_playing_ukulele_md_wht.gif"
rOuGe,sPidErmAn,dAre DeviL,sUpermAn...lahat cla!!! gUardiAn anGeL koh