;;DiJHA GOTCHU...[2n<3.sf.] profile picture

;;DiJHA GOTCHU...[2n&lt;3.sf.]

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About Me

Myspace Layouts - Tiny Myspace Layouts
Myspace Codes - Myspace Generators - Myspace Backgrounds

My Interests


<[thE 0nlii thingz ab0ve mii iiz da sky,cl0udz,starz,planetz n all dat 0tha stuF up theRe>].........<[lyf iiz a dream,iit 0nlii lastz a minute,live everyday lyk iiz ur last>]<[m0st pe0ple r afraid 0v admitting da truth.but what they fail 2 realize iiz that acti0nz speak l0uder then w0rdz.n0 speaking needed.it'z even w0rse when y0u cant admit the truth 2 urself and ur everyday activitiez,m0vementz and 0casi0nal 0utburst have 2 tell iit 4 u>]............<[never make sum1 a pri0rity when they 0nlii make u an 0pti0n...renewal beginz..1 m0ment 0v 0pp0rtunitiez cant b missed>]...........<[the pain,u eventually get 0ver n 4get ab0ut,but da mem0riez will alwayz stay,even when u try n0t 2 think 0v them,they sneak up 0n u..but m0st 0v the tym ther g0od mem0riez dat u wud rather spend all day day dreaming ab0ut n lukin stupid.l0l>]......<[the 0nlii pe0ple y0u need in y0ur life are the 1nz that pr0ve they need y0u in theirz>]........<[i believe that evrything happens f0r a reaz0n.pe0ple change s0 that y0u can learn 2 let g0,thingz g0 wr0ng s0 that y0u can apppreciate them when they're right,y0u believe liez s0 u eventually learn 2 trust n0one but y0urself and s0metimes g0od thingz fall apart s0o better thingz can fall t0gether>].......<[t0 l0ve iz 2 risk being hurt,2 h0pe iz 2 risk pain,2 try iz 2 risk failure..risk must be taken because the greatest risk in life iz 2 risk n0thing at all>]......<[unless youve lived mii lyf,d0nt judge mii because y0u d0nt kn0w,never have and never will kn0w every little thing and detail ab0ut mii>]