About Me
I like thunderstorms, Bob Marley, Ciggarettes, Long Hair, Big Blue Eyes, A good buzz, Love and Affection, Sex, Drugs, & Rock n' Roll, Down to Earth girlfriends, Shopping, Money, Daft Punk, The Gorillaz, Dave Matthews Band, S&M, Sense of humor, People who let me smoke in their homes, Pink Floyd, The Beach Boys, Surfing (I surf believe it or not), Sunshine, beaches, Big Waves, Buddweiser, Tans, Big lips, Smell of gasoline, Rugged jeans, T-Shirts, Pink and Black, Cars that don't overheat (nevermind lol), Road Trips, Music, Guitars, Audrey Hepburn, Mexican food, Hot Bi-Sexuals(who cares if they say your selfish, right?) Driving, Volkswagens, Radiohead, Punks(though I'm not, I just like their sense of personality), Randomness, Pot, Liquer, Good Concerts, Going out to eat, Andy Kaufman, Cuisine, Happiness, Asian Animation, Nice Teeth, Singing, Sleeping in, Staying up late(real late, I'm talking like 6 or 7 am!), Cleveland, Florida, Cali, Roxy Quicksilver, Wet Seal, Pearl Jam, Hollister, A good job, Phat Paychecks, Full Bellys, Food, Eating, Bugles(And by that I mean the snack food, not the horn), Good punch lines, Healthy Bodies, Good Smelling Breath, Black Hair(on some ppl), People Watching, Flirting, Sweet Kisses, Snuggling, My smushy(White polar bear made out of beans that I've had since I was 1), Sublime, Weezer, 311, Chad Sexton, Tim Mahoney, People who like to just "chill", A good breakfast, Coffee, Seafood, Hot Chocolate, Goldfish crackers, Cats, Pugs, Leapard Print Stuff, Wallmart, Good long SEX, Nice long talks, Hippies, Loud Music, Billabong, My Family, Camping, Dirty Kitty Soapworks(lol Keri even tho I'm not Vegan), Old Friends, New Friends, My Boyfriend, I good long shit, Long Hot Showers, Tailored Suits, The Grundge look (on guys), Care Bears, Auras, Horroscopes, Karma, Teeny Bikinis, Fast Computers, The sound of Loons, Stars, Flying, Canada, Short Skirts, Looking my sexiest, Makeup, Mirrors, Vans(the shoe), Express(the clothing store), Big cities, Cafes, Drawing poetry, Being Rushed....oh Lordy, have I said enough!?