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I am here for Friends and Networking

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My Interests

tea, skiing, donuts, Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh real estate, restaurants that don't disappoint me, schwinn bikes, furniture design, beaches, Mario Batali, Jersey City, travel, fish tanks, koalas with blue eyes, Mao Mao, cheese, colonial american domesticity, apple/peach/pumpkin/berry picking, boats, pumpkins, tomatoes, organic farm shares, homebrew, fire escape gardening, jewelry making, holiday crafting, rocks, museums, square architecture, lighting, arbor day foundation, scrabble, old bay seasoning on blue crabs

I'd like to meet:



Joseph Arthur Winter Pills Prince Caesars Talk Talk Lou Reed David Bowie Michael Jackson Bob Dylan Of Montreal Futureheads The Thermals The Clash Shout Out Louds The National Mew Midlake Bears Band of Horses Outcast The Embassy TV on the Radio Wintersleep The Editors Iron & Wine Kanye West Cloud Cult Human Television The Klaxons Amy Winehouse Arcade Fire Jose Gonzalez The Tough Alliance Andrew Bird Ricky Skaggs


Royal Tenenbaums, The Secretary, Shopgirl, The Rules of the Game, Lost in Translation, Mr. Smith goes to Washington, Garden State, Magnolia, Adaptation, Pretty in Pink, Flashdance


The Office, 30 Rock, Colbert Report, baby animal stuff, some cooking shows, Survivorman, Monsterjam Freestyle


The Worst Hard Time, Life of Pi, Breakfast of Champions, Never Let Me Go, Persepolis, Jailbird, The Magnificent Ambersons, Mr. Wilson's Cabinet of Wonder, The Canterbury Tales, Julie and Julia, A Cook's Tour


Mummy, Daddy, and Sis

My Blog

Skiing Part Two

I was just in Vail for a long weekend with J and my parents.  Last time was in 05 just a few months after the brain thing.  I again skied with Pat and the adaptive program.  They seem t...
Posted by Kim on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 08:10:00 PST

show, biking, winter

So our big show at bridge gallery (98 orchard st, nyc) kicked off last thursday.  Without the help of John and Laura, it would have been difficult to pull together on time.  Lots of people s...
Posted by Kim on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 03:10:00 PST

The Sting-Ray

I just purchased a Schwinn Sting-Ray bicycle.  It arrived in the mail and we assembled it today.  I'm probably going to take it for a spin tomorrow. For those of you who know about my brain,...
Posted by Kim on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 01:25:00 PST

where to start...

Fall is here and I've already got six pumpkins.  No big orange ones yet, but I'm sure I'll have some soon.  Aparently you have to go way out into the country to avoid paying less than $50 fo...
Posted by Kim on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 06:18:00 PST

where to start...

Fall is here and I've already got six pumpkins.  No big orange ones yet, but I'm sure I'll have some soon.  Aparently you have to go way out into the country to avoid paying less than $50 fo...
Posted by Kim on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 06:17:00 PST

25 days and counting

I've been working straight. No weekends. Not much sleep because the cat's been going nuts at 4am, 5am, 7am.  Today I ate a sandwich.  I'm gonna buy a Schwinn Sting-Ray in purple. I'm gonna...
Posted by Kim on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 08:14:00 PST

I just can't resist. Thank you Nonsense NYC!

***** Also on THURSDAY *****(this week)NYC Chinatown Garbage Taxidermy TourYou're invited on a free tour of the New York City Chinatown garbage.Did you know you could make art out of dead animals? Yes...
Posted by Kim on Sat, 07 Jul 2007 12:23:00 PST

petrified dead baby bird on my car

Last week one rode with me all the way to work before we discovered it.  It was stuck to the roof of the car and I dislodged it with a bit of trash from the parking lot.  Unfortunately, I di...
Posted by Kim on Sat, 07 Jul 2007 12:04:00 PST

veal neck bones

I bought more today thinking I'll make a stock sometime when it's cooler. We may be doing the lighting for the new hawaiian tropic zone in vegas.  classy. if we do, i may just go on a euro advent...
Posted by Kim on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 02:50:00 PST

sailor jerry

just bought a tshirt of theirs with a big snake on it.  very excited to get it.
Posted by Kim on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 07:36:00 PST