I serve aboard the NX-01 Enterprise, flagship of the Terran Empire. As a non-human, I do not possess the same rights as Terrans. Vulcans are kept as slaves. Though I have managed to gain some power through my position in Starfleet, I will never be anything but a slave to them. Recently the crew discovered the existence of a "mirror" universe, one in which Vulcans, and other non-humans, were considered equals. They formed an alliance called the Federation and, together, they explore the galaxy. Their mission is to seek out new life and new civilizations. I want to cross over, to live as one of them, but I cannot leave. There are those here who wish to take the war into the mirror universe -- to conquer the Federation and lay waste to countless societies. I cannot allow this to happen. I will do what I must to see that it doesn't. I also consider it my duty to fight for the freedom of Vulcan. I will continue to serve the Empire because it will allow me to work from within. Should I try to leave Starfleet, I would be branded a traitor, hunted down, tortured, and executed as a lesson to other rebels. The only logical choice is to remain where I am, aiding the rebels surreptitiously and, perhaps, helping to bring about the overthrow of the Empire and the establishment of a new, peaceful society.
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